The Philadelphia Phillies’ magical late-season run came to an end Saturday night when they lost to the Astros 4-1 in Game 6 of the World Series, which gave Houston its second championship in six years.
Kyle Schwarber, who had a classic response to the Phillies getting no-hit in Game 4, powered their run through the postseason with a number of big home runs (he had 46 dingers in the regular season), which made his bizarre bunt attempt late in Game 6 so confusing to fans.
With a 1-2 count and 2 outs in the top of the eighth and nobody on base, Schwarber tried to bunt but ended up fouling it back behind the plate for strike three:
The Houston Astros are three outs away from a #WorldSeries title… pic.twitter.com/qAISD5K7hU
— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) November 6, 2022
I mean, I guess I understand maybe wanting to find a way to get on base but to do that with two strikes was just wild.
MLB fans were not impressed.
I never in my life thought I would see a power hitter try to bunt with 2 strikes 2 outs and nobody on in the 8th inning of a World Series game…. Did this really happen??? https://t.co/DgcZQU5yd7
— Commissioner Elect D. Blair (@30DBlair) November 6, 2022
We just witnessed one of the dumbest decisions in MLB history 🤣😑 https://t.co/wElcQJpbVa
— C.T. Dodd (@CT1628) November 6, 2022
We can all agree probably not the best decision for one of best bats in MLB imo,,….. but son… if you do, you gotta set up top of zone never go chasing up. My little leaguers know that. Let’s go Astros https://t.co/eP9vbqEZBp
— Brian (@BGraymknbirds) November 6, 2022
why the hell did he do this im crying https://t.co/TQWlRTzpFs
— bryan (@bryansmixtape) November 6, 2022
This might be the worst bunt attempt of all time given the situation https://t.co/7VENWhx9kO
— Stev (@Flyingskull25) November 6, 2022
So stupid. Hottest hitter on team and you try and play the shift https://t.co/tDMCxUZNJM
— RAIDERSQUEDA🏴☠️🏴☠️🏴☠️ (@Readyyyfreddyyy) November 6, 2022
why bunt in a 2-strike count or down multiple runs with no one on base or in the 8th inning of an elimination game in the World Series when you can do all of that at the same time https://t.co/Q0KM6CBwOF
— joeg (@gojarbe) November 6, 2022
😂😂😂 . but i was told the phillies were destined . https://t.co/A64xCjjTBc
— Deh Largo (@ItDeh_Largo) November 6, 2022
Kyle Schwarber what you doin baby? https://t.co/ttze58q1P6
— Beaneater Buzz (@BeaneaterB) November 6, 2022
46 home runs in the regular season and you bunt with 2 strikes…why? https://t.co/RxsJDi5dRx
— Justin Rodgers (@JustinlRodgers) November 6, 2022
Wow, Schwarber just gave up. He's the only Philly who can hit the ball tonight. At least TRY to hit another home run. #WorldSeries https://t.co/m4x5Vd06JQ
— ZroHour (Johnny) (@ZroHour) November 6, 2022
Watching the end of the Alabama-LSU game, and apparently Kyle Schwarber is bunting with two strikes and two outs, with nobody on, down by three in the eighth inning? What? Why? https://t.co/P2apOCIr6T
— Jeremy Balan (@jeremybalan) November 6, 2022