KHON KAEN: A one-kilometre section of the Mittraphap highway in Ban Phai district was heavily flooded on Wednesday, causing many vehicles to stall in the deep water.
The flooding began in the morning and affected both the north- and south-bound sides of the highway. It was centered around kilometre marker 302 at Ban Nong Kung in tambon Ban Phai.
Promlert Prommat, chief of the provincial disaster prevention and mitigation office, said about 45 houses on both sides of the highway were flooded.
Deputy provincial governor Thaniya Naipinit was seen at the trouble spot helping direct traffic flow.
The flooding followed continuous heavy rain overnight.
The water was about 70 centimetres deep in places. It was too deep for many vehicles, especially family cars, and their engines stalled, blocking lanes on both sides of the highway.
Police from Ban Phai redirected approaching vehicles to a by-pass to avoid the flooded section.
On Wednesday afternoon, the water level had fallen only a little.
Following a meeting of officials from the provincial irrigation, highway and disaster prevention and mitigation offices, large water pumps were installed on the roadside to drain the water into Huay Sai stream and the Chi river.
It was expected the highway would be passable to all vehicles late in the afternoon.