“And while we can’t know what they are thinking, they are extremely intelligent and intuitive… so I think it’s possible that after watching me go through a pregnancy they could recognize that I was showing them my daughter, especially Jill who has birthed and raised multiple offspring of her own.
“There have been similar moments with previous babies of her caretakers over the years and I’m sure they would be excited to see any future zookeeper babies that might be born that would stop by for a visit. Kansas City has been Jill’s home since 1988.” (sic)
The zoo is currently recruiting teenagers to work there and says on its website: “The Kansas City Zoo VolunTEEN program creates accessible opportunities for young adults to develop sustainable lifestyles and humane perspectives. This comprehensive program promotes the personal and professional development of teenagers and develops teens to become empowered community leaders with experienced workplace values.
We are seeking mature, responsible teens with an aptitude for leadership. Applicants should enjoy working with the public and show interest in animals and conservation. VolunTEENs will lead discussions and demonstrate activities to groups of children and adults, so good communication skills are a must. Enthusiasm, confidence, and a positive attitude are required!” (sic).
*Article updated: quotes were originally attributed to the Communications Manager at Kansas City Zoo.