A Missouri woman has been arrested after allegedly spiking her husband's Mountain Dew with a chemical weed killer, leading to charges of first-degree domestic assault and armed criminal action. Michelle Peters, 47, was charged following an investigation by the Laclede County Sheriff's Office.
According to court documents, Peters admitted to poisoning her husband's Mountain Dew because he did not appreciate the 50th birthday celebration she had planned for him. She repeatedly spiked his soda with glyphosate, a chemical found in Roundup, causing him to experience symptoms such as a sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and coughing up a thick mucus.
Her husband, whose identity was redacted, first noticed a strange taste in his Mountain Dew on May 1 but continued to drink it, unaware of the dangerous substance added to it. He later sought medical attention after experiencing severe symptoms of poisoning.
The husband reported his suspicions to the police on June 24, providing video evidence of Peters tampering with his drinks. The videos showed Peters adding both Roundup and insecticide to his Mountain Dew bottles, with the husband believing she was targeting his $500,000 life insurance policy.
During police interviews, Peters claimed she was mixing the soft drink with Roundup to use as a weed killer, but mistakenly added insecticide to her husband's drink, thinking it was Roundup. Fortunately, the husband survived the poisoning, and his current condition remains unknown.
Michelle Peters is currently held at the Laclede County Detention Center without bond and is scheduled for a bond review hearing on July 2. The Laclede County Sheriff's Office has been contacted for further comments on the case.