She has been wandering the streets for 12 years after disappearing from her home - but has finally been reunited with her loving family.
Zoey, aged 13, was reported missing in 2010 after her owner nipped to the supermarket for just 20 minutes, leaving her two dogs at home.
When she returned, she discovered Zoey missing but her litter sister still inside the house.
Owner Michelle, who then lived in Lafayette, California, contracted her microchip company to reporter her dog as missing. She also informed her neighbours about what had happened.
After waiting by the phone for months hoping somebody would call up about her missing dog, she gave up hope on ever seeing Zoey again.
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She ended up moving to Benecia with her family, which is about one hour and 15 minutes away by car.
But 12 years later, the call she had been desperately waiting for finally came.
A spokesperson from San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office said on Facebook : "Animal Services Officer Brandon Levin received a call regarding a stray dog who had been dropped off on a rural property outside Stockton.
"The caller said the dog appeared old and unwell.

"ASO Levin scanned the dog for a tracking chip, and to his surprise the dog, named Zoey, had been reported missing from Lafayette, California in 2010. Yes, 12 years ago."
Zoey had been missing for so long, her microchip company had listed her as “deceased” in their 2015 records.
The spokesperson added: "Even more amazing, the owners still had the same phone number. We met the owner Michelle in Rio Vista, where she and Zoey reunited after 12 years apart."
Michelle said: "I'm still in shock. I definitely didn't expect this to ever happen - but I'm excited to hopefully bring her home.
"I got her at the pound when she was six-months-old with her twin sister. We saw them there and brought them home.
"They lived with us for about six months. We went to the store for about 20 minutes and came back and she was missing."
Although Zoey's litter sister is no longer in Michelle's life, she has a 16-year-old labrador who could become great friends with the once missing dog.
Congratulating Michelle and Zoey, one user said: "Wow, thanks to the concerned caller, officer, and Zoey's microchip.
"The owner is probably in a shock and denial mode; she didn't know Zoey was still alive after all the years passed.
"I hope Zoey sees a veterinarian soon; she definitely doesn't look well. Best of luck to Zoey and her new, previous owner."
Another added: "Thank you so much officer Levin for saving this dog. I hope with all of my heart that this sweet little girl gets all of the love hugs and kisses that she so deserves and lives a happy and safe life with her owner."
A third said: "Thanks to San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office for making this happen. Glad Zoey is reunited with her family. I pray that she heals and feels safe back with her family."
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