The Times Group is shutting down operations of its English news channel Mirror Now in May 2025, sources from within the organisation confirmed to The News Minute. Employees were informed about the decision only last week during a town hall meeting.
The decision comes after years of financial losses, with the channel reportedly struggling to sustain itself despite multiple repositioning efforts.
Mirror Now currently employs more than 130 people across Mumbai and Delhi. However, it is learned that only a handful of them will be absorbed into other verticals of the Times Network, while the majority have been given a two-month notice to seek for alternative employment.
Launched initially as a channel focused on real estate and urban issues, Mirror Now later pivoted into a full-fledged English news channel. It gained prominence for its coverage of civic and governance-related issues, often positioning itself as a consumer-centric news platform.
The channel garnered attention under the leadership of Faye D’souza and some of her debates on issues like fuel price hike, women safety went viral on social media.
Insiders say the constant change in leadership and shifting of focus of the channel wasn’t helpful.
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