Ministers have been warned not to spark a wave of unfair evictions with a crackdown on 'anti-social behaviour'.
“Rowdy” tenants could be evicted from properties within two weeks under new plans being drawn up for the Renters Reform Bill, promised for later this year.
And so-called ‘no fault’ evictions will be banned under the new law.
But campaigners fear the new, rapid timescales for evicting ‘nuisance’ tenants will be used as a ‘backdoor’ by rogue landlords.
Lib Dem Housing spokeswoman Helen Morgan said: “Time and again, the Conservative Government has failed to deliver on providing more protections for renters.
“No progress has been made on banning no-fault evictions, despite the Conservative’s promises to do so four years ago. And Boris Johnson and Liz Truss both promised to end Section 21 evictions - but still, no action.
“Yet, these new laws will make it even harder to be a renter. Giving landlords even more power to evict rowdy tenants in two weeks is likely just another licence to kick out renters for no reason - even if they do away with no-fault evictions.”

Shelter chief exec Polly Neate said: "we can’t allow new loopholes for unfair evictions to open up.
“Private renters deserve genuine security in their homes. Without clear guidance and safeguards in place, there is a real risk that the new anti-social behaviour grounds for eviction could be abused.”
Earlier this week, Crisis raised concerns about the planned ‘three strikes and you’re out’ plan to turbo-charge evictions of anti-social council tenants.
Homelessness charity Crisis has also raised concerns about the planned ‘three strikes and you’re out’ plan to turbo-charge evictions of ‘anti-social’ council tenants.
The Government say the plan would see “perpetrators of anti-social behaviour face eviction and should be deprioritised for further social housing and will work with the sector to achieve this."
Matt Downie, from Crisis, said it was a “deeply problematic approach,” which “could see survivors of domestic abuse or people with support needs forced from their homes if neighbours complain about noise".
Ms Neate added: “As we await the long overdue Renters' Reform Bill, the government must make absolutely sure its commitment to make private renting fairer and more secure is not immediately undermined."