'Mindless' vandals have destroyed a school's play area leaving kids heartbroken. Staff at Mendip Green Primary School in Worle arrived at work on Monday morning (May 23) to find that thugs had broken into the early year's area used by reception students.
They broke into storage sheds, pulling out all of the children’s toys and smashing them up. The yobs also kicked down fences and climbed up onto the roof, damaging air conditioning units and the canopy over the early years play area, reports Somerset Live.
They also trashed a mud kitchen - made by parents - along with pulling drainpipes off the walls and removing the seals around doors in a bid to get into the main school building.
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The early year's area is used by 90 students aged four and five, who spend most of their time out there. Now outdoor space is restricted to the main playground due to the area being unsafe.
Mendip Green headteacher James Oakley said: “The children are absolutely heartbroken to see all their things smashed up. At that age they just don’t understand that the sort of people responsible for this vandalism exist.

“We have had to move the early year's group into the classroom because the area is not safe. The canopy over the area has been damaged and we are unsure as to whether it is safe.” The damage is expected to run into several thousand pounds.
“The damage to all the equipment and the air conditioning could cost around £3,000 alone and that is before we know the full extent of the damage to the canopy and whether that needs to be replaced,” said Mr Oakley.
“The damage could end up costing several thousand points to put right.” The school PTA set up a Go Fund Me page following the attack, which has already raised £2,060.
Mr Oakley said the school had also received offers of help from parents, the local community and businesses. “Jewsons got in touch after hearing what has happened and is organising fencing for us while Bradfords Building Supplies has also offered to help out.
“The PTA has set up a fundraising appeal while parents have been offering to come in and help with what ever is needed.” The school is now planning to upgrade its security to thwart further attacks.
“We are now planning to upgrade our security and install lighting and look better protecting any potential entry points,” said Mr Oakley. Police have launched an investigation into the vandal attack.
Anyone with information should contact them on 101. Anyone who wants to donate to to the Go Fund Me appeal can do so here.
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