These photos show the shocking ‘mindless’ attacks vandals carried out on cars parked in Ancoats over the weekend.
‘Six’ motors on Pollard Street were discovered in a bad way on Monday (April 3) morning, after being trashed by people ‘jumping’ on them. Police are now investigating the vandalism, and believe it is linked to ‘another incident over the weekend’ where cars were damaged in a similar way at another location.
Jack Davies spotted the damage on his walk to work yesterday morning, and said he noticed ‘footprints’ on the cars, suggesting the culprit ‘think it’s a bit of fun’.
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“There were six cars all smashed up,” the 28-year-old told the Manchester Evening News. “Someone has been jumping on the cars, there were footprints on the bonnets and they have bent them.
“It does not look like they had used an object [to break in]. It looked like they had jumped and landed on them.
“I park there most days to walk into town for work. When I was walking, I saw a nurse just get to her car and it had been smashed, she had left it over the weekend. She said she would report it to the police.”

The police have since confirmed that a report was made, and an investigation is ongoing. A GMP spokesperson added: “It’s linked to another incident over the weekend which is still open for investigation into criminal damage of a vehicle. No arrests made.”
Jack, who commutes in from Altrincham for his city centre job as a digital marketer, believes that the incidents are not uncommon. He went on: “It’s mindless. It does [seem random] but I put some pictures on Instagram, and a load of people messaged me. My tattoo artist is based on Poland Street, said she cannot park there anymore.”
If you have any more information on this incident, contact police using reference CRI/06A1/0011303/23.