Most of us will have experienced an optical illusion. They can be pretty confusing things to try to understand and the most mind-blowing bit about them is that what you see might be completely different to that of the person standing right next to you.
A lot of us may remember that infamous dress from a few years ago which appeared either gold and white or blue and black, and nobody could agree which it was. These illusions can sure cause a stir.
Well this latest one is no different as it seems to move off the page which leaves you needing to concentrate hard to adjust.

If you think you are up to the challenge you can give it a go but be warned it is no easy optical illusion to wrap your brain around.
Rainbow Riches Casino have unveiled the new optical illusion and the issue with it is that it appears to move in front of your eyes.
So the tricky task at hand is to get the image to be still, but this is not easy and you will have to have good concentration to steady it.
According to the creators of the interesting image if you can focus your mind and stare at one part of it for as little as 10 seconds, your brain will get used to it and your eyes should be able to get the image to stop moving.
The trick to the image relies on a repeated pattern which, when your eyes move around, tricks your brain and it merges into a moving image. So while you know the picture is not actually moving around your mind is tricking you into thinking it is.
If you focus and stare at one section of the design only, the image will appear to be still as your brain adjusts.
So if you are up to the challenge then see if you can get the image to stop moving.
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