As a Millwall season ticket holder, I am supposed not to care that no one likes us. However, for Rory Stewart to compare Millwall fans to the European Research Group was an insult too far (Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart – a ringside seat for mayhem, 20 September). Most of us at the Den are aware of the difference between right and wrong. And some of us are even members of book clubs.
Peter Ramage
• Reading of HS2’s current start and end points being cut short (Report, 18 September) reminds me of the M1 opening some 60-odd years ago, which started well north of Hendon and ended south of Coventry, but was billed as the London to Birmingham motorway. Plus ça change?
Chris Roome
Staplehurst, Kent
• Your correspondent’s uncertainty over which way to wear his hat (Letters, 24 September) reminds me of an ex-pupil who went into a local sports shop and asked: “Do you sell them caps with the peak at the back?” Ah, the benefits of a good education.
Bob Epton
Brigg, Lincolnshire
• It’s OK for the French to welcome our royals (Vive le Roi! France has welcomed King Charles as though Brexit never happened, 22 September). They can do so safe in the knowledge that their royal family is unlikely to return.
Rosanna Achilleos-Sarll
• John Brooke has a good point on cats (Letters, 21 September). As a lover of wildlife, I think there should be a law to compel owners to attach a bell to their cat’s collar.
Chris Arrowsmith
Cam, Gloucestershire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.