Coho on southern Lake Michigan continue to lead the sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report, but fishing really gets going Saturday around the Chicago area with opening days at Heidecke Lake, inland trout season statewide and smelt netting on the Chicago lakefront (well, opening night for that).
Quinn Wunar, who has been on a roll with coho on the Chicago lakefront, also has caught some quality other fish, as he explained Monday afternoon with the photo at the top:
Just caught it 15 mins ago. 2 double bander of the year
And a special note of thanks to Scott Oglanian for an in-depth take on fishing
Jason “Special One” Le has been on a roll with coho fishing, like other, at multiple places in recent weeks. Here’s a recent YouTube video.
Stacey Greene at Park Bait at Montrose Harbor texted:
Coho still top the charts. Still biting very good. Powerliners as well as rod and reel. They are close in and pretty shallow. 2 to 4 ft. seems to be a good spot to start. Large minnows and crawlers still the best baits but they are hitting shrimp, spawn sacs, lures etc.
Nice Browns, Steelhead, Northerns and even a Smallmouth yesterday here at Montrose.

Quinn Wunar shows how good the coho fishing has been from shore on the Chicago lakefront on an outing with “Tony” Jingchen Zhu:
Hey Dale,
Coho bite remains the most consistent. Still getting quick limits every time out. TS Jigs under a slip as well as twitching & popping them. Bigger coho hitting spinners. Steelhead and Browns also in the mix on both jigs and spinners. Really just a great week all together.
Capt. Dan Leslie at the Salmon Stop in Waukegan said coho still going on, for both powerliners (fatheads, crawlers, spawn sacs, etc.) and casters; some browns too. Still steelhead in Waukegan River.
Capt. Rich Sleziak at Slez’s Bait in Lake Station, Ind., texted:
Coho action in boats good from st joe Michigan to Hammond fishing the beaches to 35ft of water. Brad’s Thinfish and small shallow running crankbaits doing best.
Coho action from shore good using skein, squid, shrimp and nightcrawlers. Fishing slip bobbers and on bottom both good.
Proprietor Phil Schuman at Tackle Haven in Benton Harbor, Mich., said coho fishing is fantastic, from South Haven on south; limits from pier (spawn bags or skein) and boat at St. Joseph; still doing well for steelhead in the St. Joe River below the Berrien Springs dam.
The 2023 fishing licenses are required on Saturday, April, at the four Lake Michigan states.
Spring trout season for catchable rainbow trout opens Saturday, April 1. As usual, anglers 16 and older need an inland trout stamp and a fishing license. Daily bag is five trout.
Nearby sites include (Cook County): Axehead, Belleau, Green, Horsetail, Sag Quarry East, Wolf Lake at William Powers SRA; (DuPage): Silver, Pickerel, Grove; (Kankakee): Bird Park Quarry, Rock Creek at Kankakee River SP; (Kendall): Big Lake at Silver Springs SFWA; (Lake): Sand Lake at Illinois Beach SP; (McHenry): Lake Atwood, Piscasaw Creek; (Will): Lake Milliken at Des Plaines SFWA.
Early catch and release season is already open. Nearby early catch-and-release sites: Rock Creek at Kankakee River SP; Pine Creek, White Pines Forest SP; Apple River, Apple River Canyon SP.
Click here for the statewide announcement.
Smelt season opens Saturday, April 1, and runs through April30 in Chicago. Chicago Park District regulations remain the same—nets may go in at 7 p.m., must be out of the parks by 1 a.m., no open fires, no closed tents, no parking on grass or sidewalks. The park district’s informational card is available Park Bait at Montrose Harbor and The Northerly Island Visitor Center.
And, if you are wondering, basically there is no hope of a smelt resurgence any time soon. See my column on Wednesday.
The former cooling lake near Morris reopens on Saturday, April 1. Open 6 a.m. (6:30 bank fishing) to sunset. Fisheries biologist Seth Love expects walleye, hybrid striped bass and smallmouth bass to be the stars, though crappie and muskie also look promising. See my column on Wednesday for more details.
The north side of Navy Pier is open for anglers. The discounted parking for anglers is $9 daily, if out by 10 a.m.
Chicago Park District’s parking passes ($20 for two months) for the anglers’ parking lots at DuSable and Burnham harbors are on sale at Park Bait at Montrose Harbor (cash only) and the Northerly Island Visitor Center (credit card only, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, but call (312) 745-2910 first to make sure someone is there).
My column from Nov. 30, 2022, on parking the length of the Chicago lakefront is posted at https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/11/30/23485385/chicago-lakefront-parking-fishing
Reminder, the Chicago Park District’s pier passes are only good through Friday, March 31.
Dave Kranz of Dave’s Bait, Tackle and Taxidermy in Crystal Lake and with his You-Tube channel, Dave Kranz Living the wild outdoors, texted:
I have been seeing great photos of nice crappies this morning in the store. The channels on the river and chain producing nice 10-14 inch crappie. Pinkie jig, plain hook with a small or large fathead minnows is working.
Check out my YouTube videos from in the tunnel at the Bassmaster Classic! Take note of how many northern guys in it! Congratulations Gussy!

Ken “Husker” O’Malley of Husker Outdoors emailed the photos above and below, and this:
Hey Dale,
Here’s a recap of this past weeks fishing.
The up and down rollercoaster weather empathizes playing the major times to maximize the bite window.
It has been a total grind getting any decent size fish.
The best bait by far has been the jerkbait with Vector tornado trebles worked over the weed tops for bass and a few crappie.
A 2-1 or 3-1 cadence with the pause being a few seconds had the active biters hitting just after the pause.
It goes to show you just how cold the water temps are on natural lakes.
Fishing will only continue to get better especially with a string of nice days.
Here is the nature pic f the week. The sound of spring in the air.
Ken Husker O’Malley
Husker Outdoors Waterwerks fishing team

Pete Lamar emailed the photo below and this:
Hi Dale,
At last, a report that includes some fish. The bluegill in the attached image is my first freshwater fish of 2023. The weather didn’t seem any better to me than it’s been for the past month-cold, rain, biting east wind-but the water temp had risen from upper 30s last week to low 40s; it made all the difference. No big fish, but good numbers and a bonus rainbow after the storm passed. All the bluegills came on a small marabou leech fished as slowly as possible. I hope we’ve turned a corner.
I’ve got a wildlife report too, but no photo yet (he’s only showed himself once). Our local retention pond isn’t much bigger than the local community pools. I saw what I thought was a big muskrat late last week. When I got closer it turned out what I was seeing was just the head of a beaver above the water surface. He let me know that I was unwelcome by beating his tail on the water-it sounded like a bowling ball being dropped into the pond. Unfortunately his stay in this pond will likely be a brief one: it will end abruptly when he crosses a road looking for more trees or a board member notices some trees being taken down and contacts a professional trapper.

I think his assessment of the destiny of the beaver is probably spot on.
Bill Buchhaas messaged the photo below of crappie (and others of bluegill) from a Shorewood retention pond:
Dale... springs has sprung...Slab crappies on fire today...all on GULP minnow....Bill Buchhaas.

Rob Abouchar emailed the photo below and this:
Braidwood this morning wacky rigged bluegill color Senko flipped in pampas grass

Open daily 6 a.m.-sunset.
My column on prospects for fishing at Braidwood can be found here.
District fisheries biologist Seth Love would like to hear from anglers on catches at Braidwood. You can email him at seth.love@illinois.gov.
Arden Katz said crappies and bluegills are starting to pile into the channels, depending on the weather that day.
Capt. Dan Leslie at the Salmon Stop in Waukegan said they have fatheads and Rosie Reds for those crappie fishing and it is near prime crappie time; walleye are bedding or near bedding on the Chain.
Brennan Critzer at Triangle Sports and Marine in Antioch said the back channels are giving up crappie while perch and bluegill are moving up, but the weather alters bites nearly daily.
NOTE: As of Tuesday morning, the lower river remains no-wake. Check updates on water conditions at foxwaterway.com or (847) 587-8540.

Jeffrey Williams messaged the photo above and this:
Got to give a shout out to the crew, Carp are very active along the riverwalk, no crappie action yet but LMBs are slowly biting
Left is Ben with a 21 pound carp (photo above, than my brother with a 12 lb carp and Big T with a 7 pounder
POWERTON: Hours through April 30 are 8 a.m.-4 p.m. daily.
EMIQUON PRESERVE: Fishing is sunrise to sunset. Access permits and liability waivers are available Tuesday to Saturday at Dickson Mounts Museum, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
SHELBYVILLE: Check with Ken Wilson of Lithia Guide Service.
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Check with Jason Johns of Boneyard Fishing.
SPRING LAKE: Back to regular hours.
HENNEPIN-HOPPER: Closed for the season.

Scott Oglanian messaged an intensive assessment of cold fishing on the DuPage and the photo above:
Spring Is ow in the air ans more fisherman are showing up to spots as the weather warms I’m glad I was able to get out early and find some nice fish in cold conditions. Yesterday was good, despite losing a nice Smallmouth at Dusk. Fish are more active now as ever, ive watched topwater strikes in cold water temps. Therefore feeding heavily despite the cold conditions. They’re pulled up and fat. Females are full with eggs and bait weighing more than usual. Finnese and powerfishing have both been effective.
Colder temps lead them to the bottom structure. Warmer days with an inclining temps have them moving up higher in the water column. I noticed more life towards the top on a warm overcast day. Sun puts them on rock. Not every Smallmouth is the same. Some are habitual in nature with thier locations they choose to stay most of the time. Others more migrational, here one day, gone the next. I’ve noticed more and more fish migrating, and or showing up, to certain areas.
Some have been second time customers or more from being fooled from other fisherman, yet still biting and growing as well. Those in my opinion. Are homebodys
They stick around an area thier whole life, no matter the conditions. Less responsive in migrating to other sections of the river, or even a lake
The water clarity is mostly clear, with a pinch of green tint. Perfect for calling in a fish from afar.
I hope it helps some. I know I found it interesting.
As of Tuesday morning, the lower river remains no-wake. Check updates on water conditions at foxwaterway.com or (847) 587-8540.
Arden Katz reported very good walleye fishing at DePere in the dark until the wee hours from shore; it’s also packed with boaters. He’s using Jigging Raps most often, but also bladebaits, plastics or Husky Jerks.
Reopens Saturday, April 1. Open 6 a.m. (6:30 bank fishing) to sunset. A partial preview is in my column on Wednesday.
Sauger (and walleye) have been going on the Illinois, even with the high water. On Wednesday, J.J. DeBernardi of Ottawa won jigging the National Walleye Tour event out of Spring Valley with 23 pounds, 3 ounces, including a first-cast 8-pound walleye on Day 2.

Shaun Murphy messaged the photo above of his latest outing on Lake Erie and this:
Hi Dale , recent photos of Lake Erie yesterday.
Off of Huron, Ohio in front of the castle . 1.6 spg , 80’ back , unassisted . Bandit’s and p10s were primarily the ticket used. Either anything in white or anything in blue , chrome and red were hot
Click here for the Ohio DNR Report.

Brandon Lobb emailed the photo above and this:
Caught this guy at belmont on 3/21. Orange silver kastmaster. Easy 40 inches. 20lb range. My friend Steve helped me net it. Trying for salmon. Just got a big pike.
Former alderman Jesse Granato also caught a northern pike, but also, more impressively, he caught a good smallmouth bass (photo below) on Monday and messaged this:
Montrose Harbor
Released no Measurements

Stacey Greene at Park Bait at Montrose Harbor texted:
Coho still top the charts. Still biting very good. Powerliners as well as rod and reel. They are close in and pretty shallow. 2 to 4 ft. seems to be a good spot to start. Large minnows and crawlers still the best baits but they are hitting shrimp, spawn sacs, lures etc.
Nice Browns, Steelhead, Northerns and even a Smallmouth yesterday here at Montrose.
This last week of March our hours are 6am to 6pm then starting Saturday April 1st hours will be 5am to 8pm 7 days a week.
Have a great week.
Capt. Dan Leslie at the Salmon Stop in Waukegan said coho still going on, for both powerliners (fatheads, crawlers, spawn sacs, etc.) and casters; some browns too. Still steelhead in Waukegan River.
Hours are 6 a.m. to sunset daily. As a perched lake, boating is closed when winds top or will top 14 mph. Check daily updates on boating at (815) 640-8099.
District fisheries biologist David Wyffels expects hybrid striped bass and blue catfish to be the stars and that has proven true so far this spring.

An indication of how things are going for boaters when winds allow access comes from Pete Riedesel (see Fishin Friend Guide Service on Facebook) , who texted me the photo above as a way to entice me to go with him.
Click here for the update from D&S Bait, Tackle & Fly Shop .
Hours are 6 a.m. to sunset.
Kurt Justice at Kurt’s Island Sport Shop in Minocqua emailed:
This past week is what late ice fishing should be. Plenty of ice (even for trucks), great weather and cooperative fish!
Ice thickness, thanks to snow cover, remains in the two-foot range. Despite rain on 3/23, cold and wind helped dry surface so slush not the problem that was feared. Getting around became easier each day as warm days (40’s) followed by cold nights (teens) drained, compacted, then firmed up surfaces.
Crappie: Very Good - Excellent – Reports of anglers limiting out in 1 ½ - 2 hours. Lake by lake different depths. Weed related Crappies in 8-12’ using tip-downs with minnows 3-5’ under the ice (sometimes higher). Plastics on rocker figs also effective. Signs on the cleaning table showed these fish gorging on small Perch and Bluegills. Also bite in varying depths of 15-22’. Tip-downs again prevailing with small rosies held 5-8’ off the bottom. Some lakes Crappies found as deep as 35’, rattlin jigging spoons tipped with waxies to draw these deep fish in.
Bluegill: Very Good – Best still in 8-11’ of weeds, suspending in top half of water column. Dark plastics on #3 tungsten jigs or tipping dot jigs with waxies. Some Gills relating to deeper (15-20’) suspending over mud taking wigglers meant for Perch. Gills will typically move in shallower as ice lessens and water starts to work down holes.
Yellow Perch: Very Good – Most Perch anglers finding fish over soft bottoms in 15-22’ using wigglers on pimples or Halis. Nice size (10-12) being caught mixed in (usually just below) Crappies and Gills in these areas.
Was a nice weekend to be on the ice. With open water to the south and east, angler pressure has been low and fishing great! Forecast for snow at the end of the week will just slow ice melt, though could make travel a bit more difficult. If it doesn’t come to pass, expect another great weekend of tip-downs on the ice.
Kurt Justice
Kurt’s Island Sport Shop - Like us on Facebook

Timothy Barrett emailed the photo above and this:
Hi Dale,
Another nice hen in the Indiana tribs. Was on Saturday morning in light rain. Goose has her rain coat on. Caught on a jig with spawn bag. 31 1/2 long and weighed 11 lbs 3 oz.
Thanks for your consideration,
Tim Barrett
Capt. Rich Sleziak at Slez’s Bait in Lake Station texted:
Perch still good for most fishing 55 to 60ft northwest of burns ditch using xl fathead minnows. Wind only has been letting the boats out there 2 days a week.
Coho action in boats good from st joe Michigan to Hammond fishing the beaches to 35ft of water. Brad’s Thinfish and small shallow running crankbaits doing best.
Coho action from shore good using skein, squid, shrimp and nightcrawlers. Fishing slip bobbers and on bottom both good.
Crappie action still good off the bridges on lake George in Hobart. Crappie minnows and Rufus jr jigs tipped with waxworms
Lake county fairgrounds in crown point stocked pond trout last week. Waxworms, red worms, power bait baits are baits to use.
Christina Petrites at Stan’s Bait & Tackle Center in Hammond emailed:
Hi, Dale! I hope you & yours are enjoying & gearing up for the beautiful upcoming weather. Here’s what’s been going on in the fishing world this first week of springtime:
Coho fishing on Lake Michigan remains excellent, with trolling spoons & meat rigs via boat & fishing skein & spawn sacs on the shore; squid & nightcrawlers also have seen success for all Coho anglers. Trollers are mainly using Thinfish & Rapalas.
Perch fishing by the Gary Lighthouse is still VERY hot; minnows, beemoths/spikes, & redworms are working well.
The weather forecast isn’t the greatest for the next few days, but there are some windows in which you can still get out & get your fish. Remember that new DNR licenses are now available for purchase; old ones expire on Friday, March 31st in Indiana, Illinois, & Michigan.
Broadlow’s Fishin Hole in Saint Joseph, Michigan is having their open house this week- March 31st April 1st. Lots of big sales-great opportunity to stock up!
Click here for the Wisconsin DNR’s report, usually on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Boondocks reopens Saturday, April 1. John Honiotes said bait shop hours will be 6 am.-7 p.m. daily, starting Saturday.
Site summer hours—6 a.m.-10 p.m.—start Saturday, April 1, and run through Oct. 31.
Proprietor Phil Schuman at Tackle Haven in Benton Harbor said coho fishing is fantastic, from South Haven on south; limits from pier (spawn bags or skein) and boat at St. Joseph; still doing well for steelhead in the St. Joe River below the Berrien Springs dam.
Paddle and Pole hosts the Berrien Springs Fish Ladder Camera.
Guide Bill Stoeger in Fremont texted:
The river is on the rise. Water temp 38.2 Monday afternoon. Early and late bite is picking up in the shallows, with walleye limits coming in deep water during the midday.