Recent forecasts from AirNow.gov indicate that several regions in the Midwest and Northeast of the United States are expected to experience air quality levels categorized as 'unhealthy for sensitive groups' on Thursday and Friday.
Specifically, areas in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island are projected to have Air Quality Index (AQI) values ranging from 101 to 150 on Thursday. These levels suggest that individuals belonging to sensitive groups may encounter health issues due to the air quality.
It is important to note that high temperatures can exacerbate the presence of ozone and other forms of air pollution, leading to a decline in air quality during hot weather conditions. The intense sunlight that accompanies heatwaves triggers chemical reactions with pollutants present in the lower atmosphere.
Various sources contribute to these pollutants, including emissions from vehicles, power plants, industrial activities, and more. When these pollutants interact with sunlight, they form ozone, which tends to be the primary factor responsible for reduced air quality on hot days.
Elevated levels of ozone can have adverse effects on respiratory health, making it challenging to breathe for individuals exposed to such conditions. Therefore, it is crucial for residents in the affected regions to take necessary precautions and limit outdoor activities to safeguard their well-being during this period of compromised air quality.