A woman from Midlothian was left shaken up after a near miss on a notoriously busy road.
Samantha James, 53, was with her dad Austin James, 78, at the pedestrian crossing on Slaters Road, Wallyford, when a car raced past them, missing him by inches.
Speaking to Edinburgh Live, Samantha said that the road is like a 'race track' and added that it is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
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She said: "We live near the roundabout at Belmont Garage and the cars go at ridiculous speeds along here."
On Sunday July 2, her dad, Austin, who recently had a hip replacement and is on crutches was nearly knocked over by a speeding BMW before it came to a screeching stop.
Samantha explained: "The lights went red, and then green quite quickly. Before we blinked, the black BMW doing a crazy speed was nearly on us. My dad uses a crutch and nearly fell!

"I was with him and it was my scream that alerted him and that’s where he nearly fell trying to get out of the way. His brand-new hip would have been a goner. I cannot put into words what a fright I got. I really thought at that speed he would never be able to stop.
"They just sped off after screeching to a stop, without an apology. Quite honestly I have been shaken all evening."
When asked how Austin was, she replied: "My dad is a very laidback character and very proud, but he will definitely be more careful for sure!"
The 53-year-old explained that the area is home to a lot of families and new housing developments mean that there will be more traffic.
"There are often kids crossing, people with dogs, and buggies, and the odd kid's ball as well. Is there really a need to be speeding in front of homes like this? Dangerous and something awful is going to happen!" Samantha fumed.
"This road is a race track every day but at night too. Cars tearing around and someone is going to get terribly hurt. There have been a good few near misses with the kids who play on the square opposite when balls have gone into the road.
"I’m dreading something happening. There are speedbumps along at quieter parts but not up near the roundabout."