When it comes to weight loss, there are countless diets, but Michael Mosley says people can apparently see huge weight loss on his Fast 800 diet.
Michael is also the creator of the 5:2 diet and a champion of intermittent fasting.
His Fast 800 diet drastically cuts down on the number of calories you eat in a day - 800, of course - for up to 12 weeks before moving to the Way of Life diet.
When it comes to weight loss, there are so many diets to choose from, so how does this one promise to help you lose so much weight?
The diet guru explained how it really is possible during an interview on A Current Affair Australia, The Express reported.
To begin with, Michael said: “I’m going to skip breakfast.”
News reporter Brady Halls asked: “Isn’t that the most important meal of the day?”
The former doctor explained: “That was a phrase invented by somebody working for Kellogs, so it’s one of those things people say but that’s not what the science says. It’s not that important.”
He moved on to discuss the results of the diet: “14kg over eight weeks.”
The reporter wondered: “And that’s not just the book telling you that - this is medicine and science?”
“There’s been a really big study which has come out and amazed people,” Michael replied.
“If you do the diet right, you lose weight really fast and the great thing is, you stop feeling hungry within a few days.
“You start of doing 800 calories, every day and you do it every day for a number of weeks.
“High enough to be manageable but low enough to speed weight loss.
“Two weeks of daily meals and then two weeks cutting one portion out to two meals a day.”
The reporter wanted to know by 800 was the magic number considering society has been told to consume 2000 calories for a woman and 2500 calories for men per day.
Michael said: “[800 calories] If you want to lose weight - want to burn fat.
“Most of us spend our time burning sugar, we keep ourselves topped up.
“The fat just sits there, like money in the bank.
“But you actually, unlike money in the bank, you want to spend it, get rid of it.
“But the trouble is, you can’t do that while you’ve still got sugar running around your system.
“The only way of getting rid of the sugar is by spending longer periods without eating,” he added.
“After eight weeks you can then switch to 5:2 Mediterranean diet.”
Michael also spoke about exercise and why your lifestyle shouldn’t be 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise.
“More like 90 percent diet and 10 percent diet,” he said.
“Exercise is brilliant for all sorts of things, but it’s terrible for losing weight, because you have to exercise so much.”