During a recent testimony, Michael Cohen revealed details about renegotiating payments for vendors associated with Trump University. The situation arose when Trump University faced financial difficulties, leading to approximately 50 vendors not receiving their due payments.
Cohen took the initiative to address this issue by offering the vendors 20% of their outstanding invoices. Remarkably, all but two vendors agreed to this revised payment arrangement. Once the vendors accepted the offer, Cohen ensured that they were promptly paid within 48 hours.

However, when questioned about the two vendors who did not accept the renegotiated terms, Cohen simply stated that they 'just went away.' This response raised concerns about whether these vendors were eventually compensated.
Upon further inquiry, Cohen clarified that the two vendors who did not accept the revised payment were not paid. This revelation sheds light on the complexities and challenges faced by vendors in such situations, where renegotiations may not always result in a favorable outcome for all parties involved.