During the trial proceedings, it was revealed that Michael Cohen established a company called Resolution Consultants, LLC, to manage the payment in question. The jury was presented with the certificate of formation that Cohen filed when creating Resolution Consultants.
Forming a company is a common practice for individuals looking to conduct business activities in a structured and legal manner. By establishing Resolution Consultants, LLC, Cohen likely aimed to separate his personal finances from the business operations related to the payment under scrutiny.
The certificate of formation filed by Cohen serves as a legal document that outlines the essential details of the company, such as its name, address, registered agent, and purpose. This document is crucial for establishing the existence and legitimacy of a business entity in the eyes of the law.
Resolution Consultants, LLC, may have been specifically set up by Cohen to handle the financial aspects of the payment in question. Companies like Resolution Consultants often serve as intermediaries or consultants for various business transactions, providing a layer of separation between the individuals involved.
As the jury reviews the certificate of formation and learns more about the establishment of Resolution Consultants, they are gaining valuable insights into the financial and legal mechanisms at play in this case. Understanding the structure and purpose of Cohen's company is essential for unraveling the complexities of the payment arrangement under investigation.
Overall, the revelation of Resolution Consultants, LLC, and the details surrounding its formation shed light on the intricate web of financial dealings that are central to the ongoing trial. The jury's examination of this key piece of evidence marks another significant development in the quest for justice and truth in this legal matter.