Mexican officials disclosed Wednesday that they successfully rescued 31 migrants, including women and children, who were kidnapped last week by unidentified gunmen in the northern state of Tamaulipas.
Jesus Ramirez, the presidential spokesperson, confirmed the rescue on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Thanks to the coordinated effort of the government of Tamaulipas, the FGE, Sedena, National Guard and the SSPYC, the 31 migrants who were kidnapped on December 30 in 2023 were rescued," he wrote in Spanish (translated by Google).
"They are already in the hands of the authorities and are undergoing the corresponding medical examination."
Ramirez also shared a series of photos featuring a bus and an ambulance. In the bus, many migrants can be seen sitting alongside a kid, holding a stuffed toy.
Gracias al esfuerzo coordinado del gobierno de Tamaulipas, la FGE, Sedena, Guardia Nacional y la SSPYC se logró rescatar los 31 migrantes que fueron secuestrados el 30 de diciembre en 2023. Ya están en manos de las autoridades y se les hace la revisión médica correspondiente. pic.twitter.com/Z40csW1lQk
— Jesús Ramírez Cuevas (@JesusRCuevas) January 3, 2024
Luisa María Alcalde Luján, the secretary of the Interior of Mexico, also took to social media on Thursday morning, and wrote, "Governor Américo Villareal has just informed us that the 31 migrants kidnapped in Tamaulipas were rescued safely."
"Thanks to the State authorities, the national guard and the armed forces."
Acaba de informarnos el Gobernador Américo Villareal que fueron rescatados sanos y salvos los 31 migrantes secuestrados en Tamaulipas. Gracias a las autoridades del Estado, a la guardia nacional y a las fuerzas armadas.
— Luisa Alcalde (@LuisaAlcalde) January 3, 2024
The gunmen kidnapped migrants on Saturday from a bus that was traveling close to Mexico's border with the United States, Reuters reported. The bus was supposed to reach Matamoros from Brownsville, Texas.
Rosa Icela Rodriguez, the secretary for Security and Citizen Protection in Mexico, said these migrants belonged to various countries, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, and Mexico.
Honduran Foreign Minister Enrique Reina shared details of the migrants on social media and wrote, "According to official information that has been provided, there are 6 Hondurans, 3 adults and 3 minors (three girls, 2 of 14 years old and one of 16) who are out of danger and their statements are being taken by the Mexican authorities," in Spanish (translated by Google).
"They will be provided with the necessary consular assistance from Honduras. We thank the Mexican Government for its actions."
Nuestro Cónsul en Monterrey, Juan Manuel Cáceres, ha estado dando seguimiento cercano a este caso en coordinación con la Fiscalía de México. Según información oficial que le ha sido brindada se trata de 6 hondureños, 3 adultos y 3 menores (tres niñas 2 de 14 años y una de 16) que… https://t.co/oMrSIWJ9F3
— Enrique Reina (@EnriqueReinaHN) January 3, 2024
Previously, federal forces in Mexico's Cancun rescued seven immigration agents, who were kidnapped, beaten up and threatened to be killed by suspected drug cartel gunmen. The kidnapping comes as many migrants were leaving their countries due to economic and political crises.
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