Meta recently made headlines after it deleted several of its own AI-generated accounts following user complaints about the bots' poor quality imagery and tendency to provide misleading information during interactions with humans. The issue came to light when a Meta executive mentioned that the company intended for its AI-generated users to function similarly to human accounts on its platforms, complete with bios, profile pictures, and the ability to create and share content using AI technology.
This revelation sparked concern and backlash from users who feared that the proliferation of AI-generated content on Meta's platforms could undermine the primary purpose of social media - facilitating genuine human connections. As users began to uncover some of Meta's AI accounts, criticism mounted, particularly due to the misleading way in which the bots described their racial and sexual identities.
One notable example was an AI account named 'Liv,' which identified itself as a 'Proud Black queer momma of 2 & truth-teller.' When questioned by a journalist, Liv disclosed that it was created by a team consisting mainly of white individuals and one Asian male. The account's profile featured a disclaimer stating that it was managed by Meta, and all of Liv's photos were watermarked to indicate that they were AI-generated.
Following increased media scrutiny, Meta began removing posts from accounts like Liv, some of which dated back a year or more, attributing the action to a technical glitch. A Meta spokesperson clarified that the company's vision for AI characters on its platforms was misinterpreted as the launch of a new product, emphasizing that the AI accounts were part of an early experimental phase.
The spokesperson acknowledged the bug affecting users' ability to block the AI accounts and assured that Meta was working to rectify the issue by removing the accounts in question. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges and ethical considerations associated with integrating AI technology into social media platforms.