A Metropolitan Police officer could face dismissal from the force over an allegation that she called black officers “cotton pickers”.
Pc Mia Korell, who is part of the Roads and Transport policing command, allegedly used the term to describe black officers who did not believe the Territorial Support Group (TSG) was a racist unit, a misconduct hearing was told.
Chloe Hill, a solicitor representing the Metropolitan Police, said the term, which Pc Korell denies using, is “grossly offensive and derogatory”.
It is alleged Pc Korell, herself a black officer, used the language when she bumped into Inspector Alistair Phillips while they were both off duty in Guildford on October 7 2022.
The pair had a broader conversation before they began speaking about racism in policing, the misconduct panel heard.
Giving evidence to the hearing in central London on Monday, Mr Phillips said: “We were having a pleasant conversation, we were both clearly very interested in race and the police.”
He claims Pc Korell asked him if he believed the TSG, which both officers were part of at the time, was racist, to which he said no.
Mr Phillips said it was then that Pc Korell said black TSG officers who do not agree that the TSG is a racist unit are “just cotton pickers”.
“The conversation was fairly clear,” Mr Phillips told the panel on Monday.
“I don’t think there was any misunderstanding.
“I am 100% sure that was the exact phrase used.
“It is a very bizarre phrase to make up, and I have very little to gain from making a story up.”
The hearing was told Mr Phillips emailed Pc Korell’s line manager to report her use of the term on October 17 2022.
Asked why he did not report it sooner, Mr Phillips said he drafted an email on the day of the incident but was unable to speak to Pc Korell’s line manager until a later date because he was away on holiday.
“I felt it was an unusual phrase that stuck in my mind,” Mr Phillips told the panel.
“It was not something I had seen, and I realised these are my friends she was referring to and it is not a pleasant term or how I’d like them to be referred to.
“It is derogatory and racist.”
Pc Korell, who is doing a PhD called On The Experiences Of Black Police Officers, told the panel she bumped into Mr Phillips after a long day of studying at the University of Surrey.
“I was anxious to get home, I was very uncomfortable,” Pc Korell said.
“I was under investigation at the time, I didn’t particularly want to see anyone from work, also I was very pregnant so standing up for a long time is not good.”
Pc Korell had been facing another misconduct hearing at the time.
The officer denied initiating the conversation about racism in the TSG.
“Unfortunately, I have never come across a black officer at the TSG who has said there are no issues with race and it is not racist,” she told the hearing.
Pc Korell denied using the term “cotton pickers” and said: “It is not a term that you hear often in conversation, it is not part of my vernacular.
“I am aware of its existence but I didn’t say it, it strikes me as odd.”
Asked if she would condemn someone who did not report racism, she said: “If someone has had a horrible experience, when they have been a victim, from personal experience it can take some time to come forward.
“If someone were to condemn me for not coming forward, I think that would be grossly unfair.
“It takes people time when it comes to their own personal experiences.”
If the panel finds the allegation to be true, Pc Korell will be found in breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour.
The conduct would amount to gross misconduct and could justify her dismissal, the Met Police said.
The hearing continues.