MEN can slip on their sneakers and spill their guts as Dantia chief executive Josh Sattler leads Lake Macquarie's first Man Walk this weekend.
The concept is simple, the stroll is an opportunity for men from all walks of life to combat isolation as part of a community without pressure, judgement or expectations.
"I think it's important for guys, especially men with families, to take the time for themselves with other like-minded fellas," Mr Sattler said.
"There are connections made when you're walking around and have a coffee afterwards, it's valuable for strengthening communities of all ages, from teenagers to old fellas.
"We won't set a cracking pace, it's more of a dawdle and a chat but it's an opportunity to start the weekend fresh."
Kiama physiotherapist Mark Burns founded The Man Walk about three years ago.
It's taken massive strides since, with groups popping up across the country.
It's an opportunity to form social connections while being active, and to make friendships with other men with different life experiences - as well as check in on each other's mental health.
In his time as the City of Darwin chief executive, Josh Sattler started a walk that saw up to 50 blokes rock up - some for the exercise, others to vent.
"We are crap at it [talking openly], I'm happy to put my hand on my heart and say unless it's someone you've known for 20 or 30 years, men don't share much," he said.
"It's a way to connect that's not intrusive, we aren't talking about the black spot in the room that is men's mental health, it's just an avenue to have a chat for an hour and a coffee afterwards.
"It's a fruitful exercise and it's good for guys who have played team sports who don't have that camaraderie when they stop.
"It's an opportunity to have a discussion with someone outside your family network."
Mr Sattler said as the head of Dantia, the walk is also a chance to connect with locals and hear about their challenges and concerns.
"In my role as CEO of Dantia I talk to a lot of high-level people, I don't always get a chance to talk to the basic community ... it's a great opportunity for me to test the temperature of the community as well," he said.
Lake Macquarie's walk will take its first steps on Saturday from 7am, starting from the Warners Bay Jetty.
The walk will continue each week, and men are invited to join the private Facebook page.