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The letter said the students could only be welcomed back in 2023 if the parents signed a memorandum of understanding that limited what they could say about the alleged abuse of their own kids.
“We would need to see clear evidence of a change in your mindset, leading to a very different set of behaviours on your part,” the letter read.
The memorandum said parents could talk to authorities about the alleged abuse, but not other school staff, parents, advocacy groups and certainly not the media if they wanted their children to return as students.
“If you choose another course — which of course you are at liberty to do — you cannot maintain your relationship with our school.”
Jewish child sexual abuse advocacy group VoiCSA has since asked the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority to suspend the school’s registration “due to immediate concerns for the safety of children”.
“Attempts to silence victims/survivors of child sexual abuse in the interests of protecting the reputation of an institution are abhorrent, incompatible with the minimum standards of a registered school and contrary to Jewish law,” a spokesperson for VoiCSA said in a statement on Monday.
Kornhauser wrote a response on Tuesday, calling the statements by VoiCSA “slanderous” and said the school decried any and all acts of child sexual abuse.
The Victorian school regulator has launched a review of the school’s safety.
The post Melb Private School Students Allegedly Sexually Abused Were Expelled After Parents Complained appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .