Pop singer Meghan Trainor is preparing for the arrival her second child and has opened up about what's she adding, and removing, from her hospital bag now she knows what to expect on her due date.
Meghan Trainor and her husband Daryl Sabara welcomed her first child, son Riley, into the world back in 2021 and the pair are gearing up for the birth of their second son whose gender they revealed live on The Kelly Clarkson Show.
Both the pregnancy experience and birth of their second son will look a lot different from that of their first. Riley was born during a COVID lockdown with Meghan's entire pregnancy being spent in various stages of restrictions. It was a situation which Meghan has admitted was 'scary.' She revealed to USA Today, "I didn't have a doula, I didn't have a midwife. I didn't have a group of mums to go be with when I was pregnant because it was COVID time and scary."
Unfortunately, Meghan's birthing experience was also 'scary,' with the new mum being diagnosed with PTSD following a traumatic C-section where her newborn was struggling with breathing issues. She told PEOPLE Magazine, "Usually when you're being sewn up for 45 minutes, you're like, 'Look at my gorgeous baby. We did it. This is everything.' But I was laying there alone. In the moment, I was so drugged up, I was calling my mom, and she's crying on the phone, like, 'Are you okay?' And I was like, 'We're fine.' And then when I tell people what happened, they're like, 'Jesus Christ,' and I'm like, 'Yeah, that was kind of messed up, right?' "
"I couldn't go to sleep at night. I would be in tears and tell Daryl, 'I'm still on that table, dude. I'm trapped there. I can't remind myself I'm in bed and I'm safe at home. I had to learn how traumatic it was."

With baby number two on the way, the singer is trying to go into the process with a positive mindset and, now she knows the birthing process a little bit better, has revealed what she will, and will not, be taking with her on her due date.
Speaking to She Knows, Meghan revealed that she will be leaving pyjamas out of her bag as she 'loves' the feel of the hospital gown. She said, "I didn’t even wear those [the pyjamas she packed] because I love that hospital rag. I was like, ‘Can I have another one of these, please?' It was great because it was cozy and it was light. You don’t want anything touching you.”
In place of the nightwear, Meghan will be packing breastfeeding products - something she regrettably decided not to bring the first time around. “I remember thinking how confusing this is when someone was like, ‘Make sure you bring your pumps to the hospital,’ and I was like, ‘Silly goose, your milk doesn’t come in for days,'” she told She Knows. “But I didn’t realise it’s because you dry pump to tell your boobies to make milk. So yeah, I’m going to pack breast pumps this time, and I’m gonna pack nipple cream and shields.”
As for her other birthing plans? Well, baby number two is scheduled to arrive via C-section and she revealed to ET Canada that she's got some music in mind to get her through. Meghan said, “I’ll probably play just T-Pain, honestly. Let’s get the party started.”
Talking about the planned C-section, Meghan shared it was her decision to have the day scheduled as soon as possible. “I was like, ‘I need to know exactly when this thing’s coming out - the first day possible'," she told ET Canada. "[I’m] very impatient, since I was a kid.”
But while she appears light-hearted and unfazed on the surface, Meghan has admitted she is 'nervous' about going through the birthing process again after the trauma she was left with last time. She revealed to YahooLife, "[Riley] didn't come out awake, you know, so I asked her, 'Well that was like a fluke, right? It was very rare.' She was like, 'yeah, it probably won't happen if you do another C-section.' But, you know, birth is traumatic for everyone involved. So I am nervous I have to do that again, but I do want four kids, so I'm halfway there.
"I just know I've got to surrender," she added. "That's my big word: surrender. Surrender for one day, and for a bunch of pain. But I'm going to be distracted with the love of my life, you know?"