A staff member at Kensington Palace has revealed how Meghan Markle struggled with royal rules from the moment she stepped foot through the doors. The worker has written an extract in Tom Quinn's new book, Gilded Youth An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family, sharing how the Duchess of Sussex reacted to royal life.
They explain how Meghan was "dazzled by the worldwide fame that being a princess would bring" - but didn't like being compared to Princess Kate, as she usually ended up being the worse one off. The staff member wrote: "She hated the constraints and the rules; she hated being a second-rate princess - second to Catherine Middleton, I mean.

"Most of all she hated the fact that she had to do what she was told and go where she was told in the endless and to a large extend pointless royal round."
Describing Meghan as a "very nice, smiley, super-positive person", the staff member believes she struggled with no longer being able to control her own destiny - something she'd been doing her whole life.
They believe she struggled suddenly being in an institution where she had no influence - and her role was never going to change.
Meghan was reportedly underwhelmed when given the keys to Nottingham Cottage, in the grounds of Kensington Palace, as she thought she would be living in Windsor Castle.
The worker added: "I don't think in the whole of history there was ever a greater divide between what someone expected when they became a member of the royal family and what they discovered it was really like. She was hugely disappointed."
Not only that but Meghan quickly realised she was being treated in a "slightly condescending way" by the royal establishment because she was not a blood royal - something Kate had to put up with too.
However, the staff member says Kate was much better at dealing with it because she "does not have Meghan's messianic tendencies" and used her charm to win them over.
They continued: "The thing to remember is that there is no limit to Meghan's ambition, and like most fiercely ambitious people, she never thinks, 'Have I got this wrong? Am I overreacting?'
"But it remains true that she is a lovely person so long as she is never crossed. For a weak boy unsure of himself like Harry, she is perfect because her absolute certainty makes him feel safe."
Tom Quinn's book, Gilded Youth An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family, is available from February 28 from a number of online retailers including Amazon for £20.
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