A SUSPECTED Grinch has been held off after a local security company stepped in to "save Christmas" for kids doing it tough.
Southlakes Incorporated had about $120,000 worth of toys inside the Cooranbong Community Centre last week, which were destined to be presents for children.
Chief executive officer Christine Mastello told the Newcastle Herald she became nervous the hall could be broken into after people known to the organisation were seen looking inside.
"We had $120,000 worth of toys there, so we all just literally felt sick," she said.
There were still four nights before the gifts were to be handed out.
She reached out to local company, Solutions Management Services, who went above and beyond in the spirit of Christmas.
A security guard was deployed for free to monitor the hall from 11pm to 5am for three nights, and from 7pm to 7am on Saturday, December 16, the final hours before distribution.
"I haven't been able to process it yet, it's pretty amazing," Ms Mastello said.
"They literally saved Christmas ... they're angels."
At a free Christmas party on Sunday, presents were handed out to about 1000 kids.
Ms Mastello said this holiday season had been a really hard one for many, with families struggling.
"The stories this year have been absolutely beyond heartbreaking," she said.
Solutions Management Services general manager Paul Felton said the work was worth it to make sure the toys got to the children safely.
"It was a good opportunity to be able to help the community," he said.
He said the people the charity had been concerned about were spotted multiple times near the hall while guards were on shift.