Welcome to the inaugural Fortune Founders Forum, a community of entrepreneurs chosen by our editorial team. This cohort of early-stage founders was invited to participate in Fortune’s annual Brainstorm Tech conference—this year in Deer Valley, Utah, from July 10–12—and in a series of conversations created exclusively for startup leaders.
So why did we create the forum? Entrepreneurship has never been easy, but it’s become particularly challenging of late. Raising capital is much harder, and the nearly nonexistent market for IPOs has had a ripple effect on startups of all stages. What’s more, in an increasingly distributed world where many founders lead remote or hybrid teams, entrepreneurs are navigating a new, and much lonelier, workplace reality.
The Fortune Founders Forum aims to connect these individuals to a network of equally talented and diverse peers who can share how they’re meeting the demands and opportunities of today—whether they’re developing an online coaching marketplace, a new A.I. model for health care applications, or communication tools for the incarcerated—and of tomorrow.
Click the photos below to read the profiles of the founders.

Omid Bakhshandeh and Nasrin Mostafazadeh, Verneek A.I.

Amanda Calabrese, Sequel

Lisa Dyson, Air Protein

Rebecca Gorman, Aligned AI

Leo Grady, Jona

Liana Douillet Guzmán, Folx Health

Alexander Hagerup, Vic.ai

Edith Harbaugh, LaunchDarkly

Kai Kloepfer, Biofire

Helen Kontozopoulos, Odaia

Jill Koziol, Motherly

Christie Marchese, Kinema

Lindsey Michaelides, Strongsuit

Maya Mikhailov, Savvi AI

Adam Miller, Instil

Kathryn Minshew, The Muse

Christine Moseley, Full Harvest

Ashley Moser, MelodyArc

Margaret Norris, Aidaly

Nadya Okamoto, August

Uzoma "Zo" Orchingwa, Ameelio

Troy Pospisil, Ontra

Yash Sheth, Galileo Technologies

Christine Tao, Sounding Board

Brian Vallelunga, Doppler

Ben Wright, Velocity Global

David Wright, Pattern

Kazuma Yamauchi, KZM and Company

The Fortune Founders Forum is a community of entrepreneurs chosen by Fortune’s editorial team to participate at the annual Brainstorm Tech conference, which took place in Deer Valley, Utah, in July. Our inaugural cohort was selected based on a variety of factors, including the potential impact of their companies, and reflected a diversity of geographies, sectors, and demographics.