Jill Scott needed the assistance of a medic on I'm a Celebrity tonight.
The Lioness volunteered herself to take on the ‘Scareground’ Trial alongside Mike, Owen and Matt. But having already done six trials previously, politician Matt decided to step down leaving just Owen, Mike and Jill as the chosen team.
When they reached the trial grounds, Ant explained the rules to them. He said: "Three of you have to take part in this Trial to try and win some more coloured balls."

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He added: "At the end of the Trial all of the balls won will be added to our lovely Tombola over here. Ant and I will then draw three of the coloured balls at random and those three people will be whisked away by chopper to the beach for a sumptuous surf and turf barbie. How does that sound?"
There were three parts to the trial - The Unlucky Dip, the Critter Carousel or the Fiendish Ferris Wheel. Jill decided to go in the Unlucky Dip, Mike in the Critter Carousel leaving Owen in the Fiendish Ferris Wheel.
Jill was spun around in a box as it filled up with bugs and critters. When the Trial ended, Jill said: “I’ve just got a cockroach stuck in my ear.”
Ant shouted: "Medic? Can you have a look at Jill?" She said: "You don't have to look, it's definitely in there."
The medic come rushing over to Jill who still had bugs crawling all over her. Using a syringe of water and tweezers he eventually got it out. Jill joked: "Come to the jungle they said, it would be fun…"
Ant said: “Jill, that was bigger than the one Fatima Whitbread had up her nose!”
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