Last night my childhood dream came true, I finally got to see McFly perform.
Over a decade I'd been waiting for that moment and finally last night I got to see my favourite childhood band rock Millennium Square in Leeds city centre - and it was one of the best moments of my life.
I've seen many great artists perform but nothing quite hits like getting to see your childhood favourite after waiting over 10 years - you can imagine my joy when I heard the news they would be visiting Leeds on their latest tour.
Read more: 13 Leeds gigs, festivals and theatre productions happening in July
McFly kicked off the summer series in Millennium Square and what a way to start it. I would say they took the roof off the place, however they played in an open space. They started the night with a couple of newer songs - which I embarrassingly admit I didn't know however, after listening to them last night I've been urged to start - followed by some older songs - which urged the crowd to into overload.
I remember dancing around my bedroom listening to McFly on my pop party CDs over a decade ago and getting to listen to them live last night completed my childhood, it was such a good feeling. And, I think most the people there last night felt exactly the same way.

They played their classics such as Obviously, Shine a Light and Star Girl - which they had dedicated to the life of superfan Kel McGowan, who sadly passed in recent weeks. McFly stopped the gig last night an paid an emotional tribute to Kel and asked the crowed to put their phone torches on as Star Girl kicked off. A fundraising page has been set up in the memory of Kel - you can donate here. It was also deeply emotional to learn her mum was in the audience last night.
The crowd - which was mostly made up of women in their late twenties and early 30s - went wild last night - including me! We loved every minute of seeing the 20-year-old band perform - I was very shocked to learn Tom Fletcher was in fact 11-years-old when the band first formed, they revealed last night.
I was almost on the verge of tears when All About You was played following the encore - I've waited years to hear this. Even my boyfriend who was reluctant to go prior to the gig had the time of his life.
I thought the venue was really great too, I love a smaller more intimate gig and I especially loved that it was in the heart of Leeds, meaning it was easy access and great spot for a quick drink in spoons before hand too! It was much smaller than Leeds arena which meant everyone had a great view of the stage and it was quick access to the bar.
They also had the double pint beers on offer for £12!
McFly finished their night with Five Colours in Her Hair and Millennium Square went mad for it. I honestly felt like my childhood had been complete in that moment - and I'm excited to start listening to their newer stuff too.
- Where Did All the Guitars Go?
- Land of the Bees
- One for the Radio
- Shine a Light
- God of Rock & Roll
- That Girl
- Transylvania
- Lies
- Forever’s Not Enough
Room on the 3rd Floor
- Obviously
- Dancing in the Dark
- Honey I’m Home
- Star Girl
All About You
- Five Colours in Her Hair
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