At first I was pleasantly surprised when asked, in my NHS app, whether I still wanted to remain on a waiting list for a minor operation (Almost 10 million people in England could be on NHS waiting list, 3 April). I now wonder whether this was more about the government’s method of reducing waiting lists rather than my medical need.
Nick Page
• I read your print headline “Invertebrate of the year: Celebrating the diverse and spineless creatures of the UK” (13 April) and wondered why it wasn’t in the politics section.
Shareen Campbell
Miramont-de-Guyenne, France
• My mother came home from her teaching job as head of English very angry about a decision made by senior management (Letters, 11 April). She sat down and wrote two poems: Elegy on the Death of a Senior Mistress, and Epitaph for a Head. Then, feeling much better, she got on with making our evening meal.
Judith Herbert
Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire
• Regarding the suggestion of dashboard-mounted shredders for those with anger management issues, I have a tiny dashboard‑mounted Buddha which, by the mere act of touching it, dissipates any anger and provides satellite navigation to the moral high ground.
Adam Burden
Alton, Hampshire
• Guardian readers getting angry? Surely not – concerned, maybe?
Dr Mark Wilcox
Holmfirth, West Yorkshire
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.