(@natluvsfilm) shared footage of the foul incident to Twitter, which appeared to be taken from an Instagram Reel.
In the vid, The 1975 are performing “Love It If We Made It”. As Healy sings the lyric “Unrequited house with seven pools / ‘Thank you , very cool!'” he appears to start marching and lifts his left arm above his head.
Folks on Twitter slammed the bloke for his vulgar behaviour.
“Satire or not this is irresponsible and super lame to do on-stage in front of a crowd of people,” one user said.
“U [sic] cannot hide ur [sic] ignorance and bigotry behind preformance [sic] and dramatisation. Whether its [sic] support to be satire or not, the mf willingly threw up an anti-Semitic sign in the middle of his preformance [sic],” another wrote.
“No amount of context will ever make this behaviour okay. People who try to justify this are part of the problem too,” said a third.
The reason people are bringing up satire and context is ‘cos loads of Matty Healy stans have defended the bloke.
“He’s obviously making fun of Kanye here, right? Am I missing something? This is obviously him mocking Kanye, literally quoting [] while doing a salute. Is this user trolling?” one wrote on Twitter.
“He raised his left hand, so it’s as close as meaningless,” another said. Of course, because Nazi salutes are performed by extending one’s right arm, so this absolves Healy of all responsibility!
I mean, with all due respect, shut the fuck up. I’m struggling to understand how doing a Nazi salute — which is illegal in Germany and Austria — is satirical or funny?
It’s vulgar in any circumstance, but it’s especially foul considering it was done while singing a lyric about Kanye West, who has , and .
It’s unclear when or where the original footage was recorded, but Nat shared the video to Twitter on January 27, which is Holocaust Memorial Day. Sort of adding insult to injury, you know.
I’m not implying that Matty Healy is a Nazi sympathiser or anti-Semitic, but this is peak “edgy white bloke trying to make a statement”.
People can’t get away with blatantly offensive behaviour under the guise of satire, nor should they be excused from being being held accountable ‘cos they’re a problematic fave who does dumb shit on TikTok. Enough!
Donald Trump Hitler openly praised Hitler tweeted an image merging a swastika and the Star of David said he was going “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” on Twitter Help is available. If you require immediate assistance, please call 000. If you are in distress, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or chat online. Under 25? You can reach Kids Helpline at 1800 55 1800 or chat online. You can also report instances of racism or discrimination to the Australian Human Rights Commission on 1300 656 419 or lodge a complaint online .tw // antisemitism
— nat (@natluvsfilm) January 26, 2023
why is no one talking about the fact matty healy did a h!tler salute on stage?? pic.twitter.com/QXdza5gzuX
The post Matty Healy, A Man Who Needs To Fucking Stop, Reportedly Performed A Nazi Salute On-Stage appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .