Matlock episode 11, “A Traitor In Thine Own House,” begins with Matlock (Kathy Bates) practicing a lie detector test, with the help of Edwin (Sam Anderson). He gives her advice on how to beat Shae (Yael Grobglas), known as the human lie-detector test.
Matlock has a new theory: Shae started working for Jacobson Moore 14 years ago when she wasn’t qualified to. Matlock believes she got her job as payment for what she did with Wellbrexa. Running with that theory, Matlock plans to get close to Shae to help prove it, but will she be successful? Take a look below to find out what happens in Matlock episode 11.
Olympia takes a case to impress Senior
Senior (Beau Bridges) wants Olympia (Skye P Marshall) to help him with Ben Fogel (Christopher Gorham), an old client who has become interested in green technology after years of working in oil. By helping Senior, Olympia might just get his vote for partner too.
Ben believes one of his patented inventions for his company Rainweaver, which was invented by his mentee Todd (Ben Ubiñas), has been stolen by the rival tech company. Stratosphy hired Marco, who worked under Todd, before releasing the product. It turns out that Marco wasn’t the traitor though. Someone else working for Rainweaver must have leaked the confidential trade secrets to Stratosphy.
Matlock and Shae interview the four engineers at Rainweaver to try and spot the leaker. All of them deny it. Shae believes them. After scouring the database, Olympia says it doesn’t look like any of the data was illegally downloaded. Ben suddenly goes silent and leaves the meeting. Matlock guesses that Ben just realized Todd was the only one who could have done it.
Did Todd do it?
Since they all wear wristwatches that Todd uses to track their work and movement, this could point to who Todd met with at Stratosphy. But Olympia has to somehow convince the Rainweaver board to release the data of their lead scientist, without Todd knowing. Elijah (Eme Ikwuakor) guides Olympia, who ends up making the board think it was their idea to release the data.
They hone in on a bar that Todd visited several times, even though he doesn’t drink. Todd was meeting with Marco. This leaves Ben devastated. But Matlock thinks Ben is lying about his disgust. After following their movements, Matlock discovers that after his meetings with Marco, Todd then met with Ben.
On the stand, Olympia quizzes Ben about these meetings, arguing that they conspired to give Rainweaver’s tech to Stratosphy. That would then allow Rainweaver to sue Stratosphy and bankrupt them so they could dominate the market.
But this is just a fantasy sequence — in front of Senior, Olympia explains to Ben this is what she could do on the stand, especially as Ben has been so secretive with her. Instead, Todd has already confessed, Stratosphy is folding and Olympia’s loyalty is to her clients. Ben is impressed, telling Olympia she’s now his lawyer, and warning her that he gets sued a lot. Ben tells Senior not to ever lose Olympia.
Julian and Olympia’s divorce gets ugly
Julian (Jason Ritter) and Olympia’s divorce lawyers meet and argue over the release of his financial records. Julian insists he just wants it to be over and says he’ll give Olympia everything she wants, as long as the financial records are not released. Olympia wants to know why he’s being so secretive. Olympia tells Julian she isn’t taking his offer. She wants his secrets to come to light.
Sarah and Shae join forces to take Matlock down

Sarah (Leah Lewis) tells Billy (David Del Rio) that she will get revenge against Matlock. Matlock tries to apologize, but Sarah won’t listen. Sarah tells Matlock that she won’t forgive her unless she tells her the real reason she took her off the case.
After noticing the tension between Sarah and Matlock, Shae sits down with Sarah. Both of them don’t trust Matlock. Sarah has already done some digging and says she can’t find anything about Matlock and her career online.
Matlock notices Shae and Sarah becoming closer. She even becomes paranoid that she’s being followed home. Matlock stays at the Queens apartment, just in case Sarah and Shae are following her. When Matlock breaks down over the pressure, Edwin reminds her why she’s doing all this, to get revenge for their daughter. To get Shae off her back, Matlock makes a complaint about her to HR.
Sarah then tells Shae she discovered a new lead online. After reading the article, Shae tells Sarah she’s going to Georgia to discover more. In Georgia, Shae sits down with a mysterious person to discuss Matlock. That man turns out to be Edwin, who pretends to be Matlock’s old boss George Sheinbaum and lavishes praise on Matlock, backing up all the lies she’s told.
When Shae returns to the office, Matlock scolds Shae for going to Georgia to meet with her old employer, calling it harassment. Matlock says she’s going to file another complaint against her, which will automatically trigger an investigation. Shae apologizes, then texts Sarah saying they need to back off Matlock.
Sarah breaks down
Sarah and Billy get into a fight too. Because Sarah is so focused on getting revenge on Matlock, she has fallen behind on work. When Sarah says there’s no way that Matlock could think Billy is a better lawyer than her, Billy tells Sarah he’s over her. Later, Sarah apologizes to Billy — but he refuses to accept it, saying she crossed a line and he can do the job on his own.
Olympia promises to help get Sarah off Matlock’s back. Olympia has a meeting with Sarah, where she tells her to back off. But Sarah breaks down, admitting that she’s not as good as she thought she was. Olympia tells Sarah she has so much potential, but she needs to collaborate and not compete with people. That’s what Olympia had to learn when she first started working with Jacobson Moore. Sarah asks Olympia to be her mentor, which she begrudgingly accepts.
Senior has his eyes on Matlock, and Edwin lies to her

Senior surprisingly visits Matlock in her office to tell her she won’t have any more issues with Shae. But Senior reminds Matlock that Shae is very good at her job, and he suggests that even though she was overzealous with her approach, there might be a reason why she was looking into Matlock.
Later, Edwin tells Matlock that when he was pretending to be George, Shae told him that she initially started off in marketing. Marketing is how Wellbrexa turbo-charged the opioid epidemic. Matlock now thinks that it was marketing documents that were hidden and Shae was involved.
Matlock promises Edwin she won’t look for Alfie’s (Aaron Harris) father behind his back. Later, Edwin lies and says he can’t find the email from a friend of Ellie’s, who they think was Alife’s father. But in reality, it’s still in his account.
All episodes of Matlock are available to stream on Paramount Plus.