A wind farm capable of powering up to 700,000 home a year has been greenlit for southwest NSW.
The Virya Energy-led 33,000-hectare Yanco Delta wind farm will be built near the town of Jerilderie, in the southern Riverina, the NSW government said on Friday.
The project will cut greenhouse gas emissions by between 2.8 million and five million tonnes a year, making it key to achieving the government's target of net zero emissions by 2050.
The project will involve the construction of 208 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 270 metres, an 800 megawatt battery energy storage facility and grid connection infrastructure.
Environment Minister Penny Sharpe says the project will create "clean, renewable energy to power up to 700,000 homes a year".
The wind farm would move the state closer to achieving its net zero target as more coal power generators exit the network, Ms Sharpe said.
"Renewable energy developments like this one in the South West Renewable Energy Zone are critical to our energy future, so we can ensure there is enough renewable energy to replace aging coal-fired power stations," Ms Sharpe said.