Marvel Studios is set to release X-Men '97, a revival of the beloved Fox Kids show X-Men: The Animated Series, picking up right where the original series left off. The show will explore the classic X-Men characters navigating a world without Professor Xavier's leadership. The idea for X-Men '97 came to fruition following the success of What If...?, prompting Marvel Studios to pursue more animated shows.
Marvel Studios accelerated the development of several shows in 2018 and 2019, including WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, and others, to coincide with the launch of Disney+. The streaming boom during the pandemic saw a surge in viewer interest, with Disney+ experiencing significant success with its Marvel series.
However, the landscape shifted in 2022 as streaming fell out of favor on Wall Street, leading to a reevaluation of content strategies. Marvel Studios faced challenges with creative missteps and had to retool production methods for shows like Secret Invasion and Daredevil: Born Again.
Looking ahead, Marvel Studios remains optimistic about its upcoming projects, drawing inspiration from successful series like Loki. The studio has also embraced Netflix's former Marvel shows as part of the MCU canon, acknowledging their place in the timeline on Disney+.
X-Men '97, set to debut in March 2023, faced a setback with the firing of its creator in early March. Despite this, the show is deep into production for its second season. Marvel Studios brought in original X-Men: The Animated Series creators as consultants to ensure the revival series stays true to its roots.
The creative challenge of X-Men '97 lies in honoring the original series while adding a modern touch. The show aims to recreate the essence of the classic animated series, with guidance from the original creators on storytelling and design elements.
The absence of Professor Xavier in X-Men '97 poses a unique dynamic for the characters, testing their resolve and principles. The legacy of the comics provides a rich source of material to explore how the mutants cope without Xavier's leadership.
Marvel Studios sees X-Men '97 as an opportunity to delve into the '90s era of the comics, allowing creative freedom within that nostalgic setting. As the head of streaming for Marvel Studios, the focus is now on quality over quantity in a shifting streaming landscape.