Having trouble winning matches consistently in Marvel Snap? If so — or if you’re just looking for a new way to demolish your opponents — you have to try the meta Patriot deck. This is a deck that doesn’t rely on dishing out high-Power in one spot, but instead, is a way to buff many of your cards across the board. Oftentimes, having an even distribution of high-Power can be enough to win a match. In this guide, we’ll show you how to effectively create the meta Patriot deck, with tips on how to use it properly in Marvel Snap.
Marvel Snap Patriot deck card list
There are several variations of the Patriot deck, but one, in particular, stands tall above the rest.

These are the recommended cards for the meta Patriot deck:
- Wasp: 0 Energy, 1 Power
- Ant-Man: 1 Energy, 1 Power
- Misty Knight: 1 Energy, 2 Power
- Adam Warlock: 2 Energy, 0 Power
- Mister Sinister: 2 Energy, 2 Power
- Shocker: 2 Energy, 3 Power
- Mystique: 3 Energy, 0 Power
- Patriot: 3 Energy, 1 Power
- Brood: 3 Energy, 2 Power
- Magik: 5 Energy, 3 Power
- Onslaught: 6 Energy, 7 Power
- America Chavez: 6 Energy, 9 Power
Since some of these cards a hard to get your hands on, you might want to swap some out for some more common options. Cards such as Adam Warlock, Brood, and Magik are recommended but can be swapped for Thing, Cyclops, and Doctor Doom.
How to use the Marvel Snap Patriot deck

The idea with this deck is to play cards with no abilities across the board, and then use Patriot to buff them all. Then, you’ll want to trigger Patriot as many times as you can, which multiplies the buff it gives to your other cards in the game.
Your non-ability cards include Wasp, Misty Knight, and Shocker, while Mister Sinister (On Reveal: Add a Sinister Clone to this location with the same Power) gives you a copy with no abilities. The same can be said for Brood (On Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings to this location with the same Power). Play those cards across two lanes only, freeing up a third Location for Patriot and its buffs.
Along the way, try to play Adam Warlock (At the end of each turn, if you are winning this location, draw a card) to increase your odds of drawing the cards you want. It helps if you immediately play into the rightmost Location, as your opponent is less likely to play there before turn 3.
Once you draw Patriot, play it at a Location by itself, if possible, and afterward, play Mystique (On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing ability, this card gains it) in the same lane, which will duplicate Patriot’s ability.
You’ll also want to use Magik (On Reveal: Change this location to Limbo) to make the match a 7-turn game. This also gives you more chances to draw the cards you want. You’ll eventually want to play Onslaught (Ongoing: Double your other Ongoing effects at this location) on the same Location as Patriot and Mystique to enhance both cards there — effectively buffing the rest of your cards across the board.
If you’ve played Magik, you’ll have a better chance of getting those three cards in one Location. You should also play Ant-Man (Ongoing: If you have 3 other cards here, +3 Power) as your fourth card in that lane since Onslaught will boost it significantly.
Finally, use America Chavez (You always draw this card on turn 6, and not before) to thin out your deck and improve your odds of getting the right cards along the way.
By the end of the match, your cards with no abilities should have tremendous Power, making it difficult for your opponent to compete.