There are so many mechanics in Marvel Snap, some of which might not seem useful until you’ve got the right combination of cards. For example, a powerful deck making the rounds right now focuses on Discarding. The Discard deck is one that — when built properly — can decimate your opponents in more ways than one. It’s a deck that will no doubt catch your opponents off guard, especially when you make them have to discard cards of their own. But how does it work and which cards are recommended for this deck? Here’s the best Discard deck and how to use it effectively in Marvel Snap.
Marvel Snap Discard deck card list
The main reason this particular Discard deck works so well is that it offers several different ways to win. This leaves less up to chance and allows for more consistency.

As always, your Discard deck might be slightly different depending on the cards you have, but in general, it should look like this:
- Blade: 1 Energy, 3 Power
- Morbius: 2 Energy, 0 Power
- Swarm: 2 Energy, 3 Power
- Colleen Wing: 2 Energy, 4 Power
- Lockjaw: 3 Energy, 2 Power
- Moon Knight: 3 Energy, 3 Power
- Lady Sif: 3 Energy, 4 Power
- Sword Master: 3 Energy, 6 Power
- Dracula: 4 Energy, 0 Power
- Hell Cow: 4 Energy, 6 Power
- Apocalypse: 6 Energy, 8 Power
- America Chavez: 6 Energy, 9 Power
For this deck, you can swap Hell Cow and Lockjaw for Gambit and Ghost Rider if you have those available. We don’t recommend deviating too far from the recommended build, as it won’t work well.
How to use the Marvel Snap Discard deck

There are several key components to this deck. The most important aspect is the selection of cards available for high Power potential. These are cards such as Morbius, Dracula, and Apocalypse.
Morbius (+2 Power for each time you discarded a card this game) is essential and should be placed in its own lane. Since you’ll be discarding cards frequently (go figure) with this deck, Morbius’ Power will grow.
Likewise, Dracula (At the end of the game, discard a card from your hand. This has its Power.) should be placed in its own Location separate from Morbius, as it has the potential to reach high Power — especially once you draw America Chavez.
Speaking of which, America Chavez (You always draw this card on turn 6, and not before) is useful, yet again, as it thins out your deck, allowing you a higher chance of drawing the cards you want.
But one of the underrated elements of this deck is Lockjaw (When you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck). Essentially, you can use this to play more useful cards that you might not have the energy for during earlier turns.
When combined with Colleen Wing (On Reveal: Discard your lowest-cost card from your hand) and Swarm (When this card is discarded from your hand, add two copies of it that Cost 0 to your hand), Lockjaw is borderline overpowered. This is because you can use Colleen Wing to trigger Swarm’s effect, and then use Swarm in the same lane as Lockjaw — hopefully swapping in some useful cards from your hand.
Other cards like Moon Knight, Lady Sif, Sword Master, and Hell Cow are simply used to Discard cards, while hopefully buffing your Apocalypse along the way. Specifically, Lady Sif (On Reveal: Discard the highest-cost card from your hand) works best with Apocalypse (When you discard this from your hand, put it back with +4 Power). By the end of the game, you should have boosted Apocalypse’s Power at least once (preferably more), guaranteeing victory in a specific lane.
Then, make sure you leave America Chavez in your hand at the end, which will be triggered by Dracula to win the other lane. Morbius also has the potential to turn into a high Power card if you’ve discarded other cards frequently throughout the match.
Marvel Snap is available for free on iOS, Android, and PC.