Marvel Rivals has reached that tier of popularity where it has multiple dedicated leakers on social media, working together to datamine and share new information found in the game's files. In the case of Marvel Rivals that information is mostly about the increasingly horny skins being released for all the women characters, but occasionally there's a hint of something more interesting.
Last month, both @RivalsLeaks and @RivalsInfo suggested a PvE mode was in-development, which one leaker based on information from "a source" and the other from a tag in the game's files. More concrete information has recently come from @RivalsInfo and @X0X_LEAK, who shared video of a giant squid creature believed to be a boss from a mode called "Infinity Crisis".
That kraken-adjacent beast could be Monstro, the Menace from the Murky Depths, an octopus mutated by radiation who first appeared in Tales of Suspense. Or it could be one of any number of tentacled sea monsters who've shown up in Marvel comics over the years, whether being wrestled by Conan's comic-book incarnation, or traveling from the Ultimate Spider-Man's "pirate reality" to menace Aunt May and Web-Beard—the pirate version of Spider-Man—a thing that actually happened in the Ultimate Spider-Man TV show.
Since the model from the leaked video seems to be a placeholder asset, it's tough to say what form it'll take when or if it makes it into Marvel Rivals. But if Marvel Rivals does get a PvE mode, that sure would give its fans another nice stick to beat Overwatch with, since the cancelation of Overwatch 2's PvE mode still stings.