State Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison is encouraging people to have their say on the proposal to expand Martins Creek Quarry, after the Independent Planning Commission re-opened public submissions until the end of this month.
The commission on December 23 extended the deadline for submissions regarding the quarry plan, with public feedback being accepted until January 31.
"Local constituents whom I have met have shared with me their concerns about the significant impact of the proposed Martins Creek Quarry project on our roads and traffic within the Maitland local government area," Ms Aitchison said on Tuesday.
"I urge people to make their wishes known to the Independent Planning Commission before the 31 January deadline."
The commission held a two-day public hearing in November, during which quarry operator Daracon, the Martins Creek Quarry Action Group, Dungog Shire Council and other interested parties had their say.
Daracon's plan involves extracting 1.1 million tonnes of material from the quarry every year for up to 25 years.
It would take 500,000 tonnes from the site by road annually, and generate 280 truck movements a day.
The Herald previously reported that Daracon argues it has made a substantial effort to engage with the community and regulatory authorities regarding the possible impacts of the plan
The high volume of truck movements through Paterson, in particular, is chief among the concerns of the plan's critics.
Labor candidate for Upper Hunter Peree Watson said on Tuesday the proposal had been raised repeatedly by community members while she door-knocked in the Bolwarra, Lorn, Largs and Paterson areas.
"This is a very concerning issue for local residents, particularly the cumulative effect of increased truck movements on local roads," she said.
"People deserve to feel safe in their communities and on their local roads, so it's really important the IPC gets this right."
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