Martin Lewis has delivered his verdict on the best time to use your washing machine after the National Grid warned of blackouts.
The MoneySavingExpert founder was swift to react after Brits were told they could face three-hour planned blackouts in the event of a gas shortage this winter.
Posing the question "when's best to use high energy appliances such as tumble dryers?", the finance guru took to Twitter to share his advice.
He explained how some households might have time-of-use tariffs, which would make washing and drying clothes cheaper at night – after 9pm.
While those who are not on this arrangement need not go to the effort and do their laundry whenever they please, with no price difference.
"Most don't have time-of-use tariffs so there's no price difference," Mr Lewis said.

"If you do, night's cheaper. Yet peak use is 4pm to 9pm so for UK's energy security, not then is better."
The finance writer also raised awareness of money saving hacks when it comes to solar appliances.
"If [you have] UV solar panels, use appliances in daylight hours," he added.
Washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers are examples of high energy appliances and make up 14 per cent of a typical energy bill, according to the Energy Saving Trust.
The amount of power needed to heat the water that they use pushes up energy consumption, making them energy hungry.

Households on time-of-use tariffs are charged different amounts for energy, depending on what time they switch on their appliances.
Using a washing machine during the day or late at night can make all the difference and alleviate the pressure on household bills.
Those on a time-of-use tariff will pay half the price to use energy gobbling appliances outside of the 4pm to 9pm peak hours.
Millions of households will also now be paid to use electricity outside peak hours this winter through a new scheme - as experts have warned there could be blackouts.
System operators said an "unlikely" shortage of gas could result in families suffering planned three-hour power cuts to protect energy supplies.

It said the number of people left without electricity - and which areas could be affected - would depend on how many gas power stations would be forced to shut down.
This is the worst-case scenario presented by the National Grid Electricity System Operator as part of a new report.
When it comes to washing machines, Mr Lewis had further general advice for Brits wanting to reduce their energy costs.
"Try to do one fewer load of washing a week and make sure you fill up the machine each time. "No more washing just one shirt or dress that you need for a big night out." he wrote on

"The savings aren't huge, around £19 a year for modern machines, but can be much more with old ones.
"You could also try doing your washing on a colder setting. By washing your clothes at 30 degrees, you could save £54 a year, leading to a £73 overall saving."
The expert also advised people to use appliances on 'eco' mode where possible, which means they will run at a lower speed and heat and therefore cost less.

For those who own a dishwasher, he further suggested filling up the machine before switching it on.
"It might be tempting to run your dishwasher when it's only partially full, just to get your stuff clean, but it's an extremely inefficient way to use energy," he wrote.
"If you wait till it's full, you can manage one less run of the machine a week. According to the Energy Saving Trust, reducing your dishwasher use by one run a week could save £27 annually."