Martin Lewis has explained how people can check if they are missing on on benefits they are entitled to.
The consumer expert said on his ITV money show that 600,000 more households are now eligible for Universal Credit - while six million people are missing out on other state support.
It is believed that a million pensioners are entitled to pension credit but do not currently claim it.
Martin said: "So look, if you have total family income below £30,000 I would absolutely spend time to check if you are eligible for Universal Credit.
"I am not saying you are eligible, I'm saying it's worth ten minutes to check.
"In fact if you were a single parent with two kids living in a high rent city, it could be up to £50,000 - it's worth checking."
He added: "More people are eligible than they used to be."
He said it would take around ten minutes to input details into an online calculator.
Martin also offered advice on whether people on "old-style benefits" such as tax credits or income support should switch to Universal Credit now.
Three million people still on old style benefits will eventually be automatically migrated onto Universal Credit.
Martin said: "Some people no, some people yes.
"The key areas - if you work and pay rent, especially in the city you're in that sweet spot where Universal Credit may be better.
"To do this again use a benefit calculator but don't see that as gospel."
And he warned: "If you ask to be moved onto Universal Credit you cannot go back even if you find you will be getting less.
Martin said people should always get one-on-one free help from a benefits adviser first before applying to switch.
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