With the cost of living continuing to directly impact people's finances, many will be looking for ways to save and - if possible - make extra cash.
One way to make a little more might be through a tax rebate on your work uniform. According to the Martin Lewis-founded website Money Saving Expert, you may be able to claim a £12 rebate if you are a basic-rate taxpayer for maintaining your uniform.
You can backdate this rebate by up to four tax years, so could make as much as £60 in total. The experts say that a uniform could be as simple as 'a branded T-shirt'.
In his section of the MSE weekly newsletter, Martin wrote: "Even if it's just a branded T-shirt, if you wash or repair it yourself, you can likely claim a tax rebate.
"The minimum allowance is £60/yr (so it's worth £12/yr for a basic 20% taxpayer, £24 for a higher 40% payer). As you can backdate four years, go quick or you'll lose 2018/19."

It is worth mentioning that this is for basic rate taxpayers. Higher-rate taxpayers could receive a higher uniform tax rebate of £24.
The UK Government website states: "You can claim tax relief for a uniform. A uniform is a set of clothing that identifies you as having a certain occupation, for example nurse, or police officer.
"You may also be able to claim for specialist clothing you need for work, even if it does not identify you as having a certain occupation, for example overalls or safety boots."
According to the government, you can claim a tax rebate for cleaning, repairing or replacing your work uniform or specialist clothing.
However, you cannot claim a tax rebate for the initial cost of buying clothing for work, or for your own "everyday clothes" - even if you have a dress code.
Additionally, you cannot claim a tax rebate if your employer provides a laundering service, and you choose not to use it.
Money Saving Expert named ambulance staff, firefighters, dental nurses and pilots among occupations which may be able to claim even more on specialist equipment.
You can use the 'check if you can claim' tool on the Government website to see if you are eligible and how much you may receive.
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