Mark Wahlberg has taken on a heartwarming new role in the movie 'Arthur the King,' where he shares the spotlight with an adorable Australian shepherd-Border collie-Bouvier mix named Ukai. The film is based on the true story of adventure racer Mikael Lindnord, who formed a special bond with a stray dog during a trek through Ecuador.
Despite his decades-long career in entertainment, Wahlberg happily acknowledges Ukai as the true star of the movie, admitting, 'You got to accept the fact that the dog's going to show you up a little bit.' The 52-year-old actor, known for his Oscar-nominated performances, is content to let Ukai shine in this heartwarming tale.
Off-screen, Wahlberg's focus is on his family, which includes his wife Rhea Durham and their four children. Wahlberg shares that he is more selective about projects that take him away from his loved ones, especially after last year's actors' strike, which allowed him to spend more time at home.
Living in Nevada with their four family dogs, Wahlberg reveals that he is allergic to dogs but manages with daily medication. The Wahlberg household is home to Pomsky Jojo, Boston Terrier Lola, Pomeranian Champ, and another Pomsky named Penny. When it comes to doggy duties, Wahlberg credits his daughter Grace as the authority figure who can handle the pets with ease.
During the filming of 'Arthur the King,' Wahlberg bonded with Ukai through 'bribery,' sharing that the dog would visit him for treats while filming in the Dominican Republic. Their friendship blossomed over steaks and chicken, solidifying their bond both on and off the screen.
'Arthur the King' hits theaters this Friday, offering audiences a heartwarming tale of friendship and adventure between man and his loyal canine companion.