Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was blasted on social media after she defended a movie about child sex trafficking which has been described as “QAnon adjacent.”
Ms Greene, who has previously touted the far-right conspiracy theory, tweeted that a “prayer” could end child sex trafficking, while posting a series of screenshotted headlines about Sound of Freedom, a new movie, that linked the film to QAnon under the words “This is what covering for child sex trafficking looks like”.
She wrote, “When major media companies all label a movie about child sex trafficking ‘Qanon; they don’t brainwash the masses to not watch it, they actually expose themselves as ok with child sex trafficking by engaging in such a ridiculous way to try to diminish such an evil very real industry.”
Ms Greene encouraged the public to see the film “and let us all get active in every capacity to end child sex trafficking”.
She ended her tweet with the words “The best place we all should start is in prayer”, followed by a praying hands emoji.
“Seeing it tomorrow night. Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” one user tweeted.
One person took a more sarcastic approach, tweeting about the irony behind Ms Greene’s post: “Your endorsement should do wonders to make people disassociate it with Qanon.” Another person said, “Well, when you throw out conspiracies about pizza parlors and lizard people into the mix, yeah ... you get that kind of reaction.”
“Maybe because the star is an admitted Q weirdo conspiracy theorist and it’s [sic] purpose is to spread their message,” another user tweeted, adding, “Liberals in general are not against busting child sex trafficking, and anyone who thinks that is obviously not well.” The user was discussing an actor in the film, Jim Caviezel, who has been described as a “promoter” of the fringe theory.
“You and @Jim_Jordan talk big and bad about whatever is topical at the time and follow through with 0 results. Lots of words, no action, you’re complicit,” one user wrote, pointing out that Rep Greene voted against the human trafficking bill last year.
The Georgia congresswoman has since blamed the internet for her being “sucked into some things,” seemingly in reference to the movement.