Marjorie Taylor Greene fled a local Georgia TV show after people started to call into the programme to ask questions.
The far-right Republican appeared on Night Talk on UCTV in the northern parts of the state, to which viewers can call in to ask questions of the guests on the show.
Ms Greene stayed on and answered questions from co-host Judy O’Neal, concerning several of the scandals she has faced, such as the texts she sent to Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
As questions began coming in from callers, Ms Greene was suddenly gone following a commercial break. A spokesperson for the congresswoman told Newsweek that Ms Greene was only scheduled to be on the show for an hour.
“Well, we’re back without Marjorie Taylor Greene ... she’s gone,” Ms O’Neal said when the show returned without the congresswoman.
“We’ll take your calls and comments and whatever you have to say, but she left. She said she’d enjoyed my show and she’s through, and she got up and left,” the co-host added. “So, she’s outta here. Nothing I can do about that.”
Ms Greene is facing Democrat Marcus Flowers in the November midterms.
An adviser to Mr Flowers, Fred Wellman, tweeted a video of the moment on Monday night.
“Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared on local cable access tonight in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. @Marcus4Georgia bought all the ads on either side of each segment and a few callers blasted her. This is the chef’s kiss finale,” he wrote.
The Dade County Democrats tweeted that it was a “good use of funds for any Dem candidate for Congress running in a rural area. You may or may not be able to spend a lot of TV $ in big markets but you can certainly pour the commercials into your local public access TV & radio stations, and there are voters watching and listening”.
“She loves a fight and can’t handle these two and some political ads?” Sharon Reed said on The Young Turks.
“Marjorie walked out of a live show because the callers were asking her hard questions. Bullies run away when you stand up [to] them,” Rochan Rinaldi tweeted.
Angela Pence, a previous third-party candidate in the district, wrote, “Oh. My. God. I love Judy. She has been a staple in our community since I can remember. I also think it is hilarious that @Marcus4Georgia bought ads on either side of the segment. @RepMTG, you can only run from reality so long. Eventually, the echo chamber bursts”.