Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called for “more good guys with guns” in a tweet posted just minutes after news broke of a horrific school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday.
Her lengthy statement on the shooting was posted to her personal Twitter account moments after Nashville law enforcment revealed that three adults and three children had been murdered in the attack, with the suspect thought to be a now-deceased 28-year-old from the city.
It was remarkable not only for the congresswoman’s refusal to distinguish between the response of trained law enforcement — who are thought to have taken down the Nashville attacker — to the response of armed civilians who in many cases have nothing more than amateur training, but also for the speed at which her statement was released. Conservatives, including many of Ms Greene’s allies in Congress, have often attacked Democrats for issuing politically-charged statements in the immediate aftermath of such attacks.
“Thank God for good guys with guns and thank God a good guy with a gun killed the evil mentally deranged shooter today,” said Ms Greene.
She further claimed: “School shootings should NEVER happen and will end immediately when our nations children are defended the same way Joe Biden is by good guys with guns!!!”
Her statement is provably false: there are numerous recent examples of instances where violent attacks occurred in schools where armed school resource officers were present at the time of the shootings.
Still, Republicans have pushed for more armed cops in schools as well as for the arming of teachers and staff as school shootings continue and the left continues to insist that reducing the comparatively high number and availability of firearms in American society is the only way to truly reduce the number of school shootings that occur.