Rogers and Hammerstein's Carousel has courted its share of controversy over the years, but for stage legend Marina Prior, the show is a timely reminder that life isn't always a carnival.
The show has come under heavy criticism over the years, due not only to its depiction of domestic violence but also the fact that its main female protagonist appears to accept it.
But Prior points out the show does not seek to condone domestic violence, instead, it reveals an uncomfortable truth about its nature, and for that reason, it raises an important conversation that needs to be had.
"It exposes... domestic violence as a reality, and difficult relationships... difficulty in life as a reality, and a generational kind of trauma," she said.
"It's [the show] about dealing with... difficult lives and problematic relationships, and a community being able to be resilient... that's life."
The 40-year stage veteran will take on to the stage in Carousel - A Concert, which will come to stages in Sydney and Melbourne this September.

The show tells the complicated love story of millworker Julie Jordan and Carnival Barker Billy Bigelow - who is forced to resort to desperate measures after their romance costs them both their jobs.
She is very excited to be part of the production. In addition to the important themes the show explores, she believes its score - which contains classic numbers like If I Loved You and You'll Never Walk Alone - may be the musical theatre writing duo's greatest.
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"It's just the most beautiful music... it certainly hasn't been revived in Australia for a long time, so it's wonderful to be able to be part of it."
Prior will take on the role of Nettie Fowler - Julie's cousin and the owner of a seaside inn, who takes on a maternal role in the show. It is a far cry from Christine Dae in Phantom of the Opera -one of the roles that helped solidify her status as one of the nation's greatest musical theatre sopranos in the early 1990s.
But now 60, Prior said she had relished the chance to take \more character and comedic roles as she aged.
"I think more than anything, the thing that gives me the most satisfaction in my career is the longevity of it and the fact that I continue to work," she said.
"You have to evolve as a performer. If you want to keep working... you can't [continue to] play the ingenue and be a one-trick pony."
She also relishes the chance to pour her added life experience into a character.
"40 [more] years of life is going to inform me way better to play this character than I ever could have played it years ago."
"I love singing. I love acting. I wake up every morning and think 'Wow, great, I'm going to work.'"
Carousel: A Concert, Sydney and Melbourne, September 2024. For more details or ticketing info visit carouselconcert.com.
- State Theatre, Sydney, September 3-4
- Princess Theatre, Melbourne, September 7-8
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