"This universe is finite. Its resources, finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist." So declares the Marvel Comics supervillain Thanos near the end of Avengers: Infinity War, when he destroys half of humanity with the snap of his finger.
In Superabundance, Marian L. Tupy of the Cato Institute and Gale L. Pooley of Brigham Young University note that Thanos is simply channeling millennia-old critiques of progress and population growth. In the best-known version of this argument, the 19th-century economist Thomas Malthus contended that more people inevitably means famine and starvation.
But Malthus—and Thanos—are wrong. The past 200 years have seen historically huge increases in the number of people living on planet Earth. Indeed, we've gone from 1 billion in 1800 to 8 billion in 2022, but we are flourishing more than ever before and living longer, more productive lives.
Tupy, who runs the website Human Progress, and Pooley, an economist, chart how the real prices of our most basic necessities—and most of our luxury goods—have declined over time and how free markets and human innovation mean that our planet is infinitely bountiful.
I think Superabundance is one of the most compelling—and uplifting books—in years. I think you will too.
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- The Reason Speakeasy. The Reason Speakeasy is a live, monthly, unscripted conversation with outspoken defenders of free thinking and heterodoxy in an age of cancel culture and thought police. The next one takes place in New York City on Wednesday, January 4, with Nick Gillespie interviewing psychologist Andrew Tatarsky and author Maia Szalavitz about "harm reduction" approaches to drug policy. Rather than seeking to prohibit all drug use, advocates of harm reduction call for policies that minimize negative consequences to individual users and society at large. Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets are $10 and include beer, wine, soft drinks, and appetizers. For more details and to buy tickets, go here now.
The post Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley: More People Means More Wealth appeared first on Reason.com.