Glastonbury 2023 is finally upon us. The UK’s largest festival is now in full swing, with music headliners kicking off today.
To the relief of Arctic Monkeys fans, it’s been confirmed that the band will perform their third headline set on the Pyramid Stage tonight (Friday 23 June). The news follows doubts over the health of frontman Alex Turner, who had contracted laryngitis, forcing the band to cancelled a Dublin show earlier this week. Today, festival co-organiser Emily Eavis confirmed the Sheffield band will be playing.
Saturday will host the likes of Lizzo and Guns N’ Roses, while Sunday marks Elton John’s first performance at Glastonbury - and his last ever gig.
You can read live updates from Worthy Farm here.
With the festival notoriously difficult to get tickets for, it seems some fans have turned to illegal means of entry. This morning it was revealed that desperate gatecrashers have been attempting to dig tunnels under the fences of the festivals.
If you missed out on a ticket and don’t fancy digging, there are plenty of ways to catch the music on TV. But for those staying at home, what is Worthy Farm actually like on site?
Here’s your full guide of the Glastonbury 2023 site
How many people are there at Glastonbury?
There are around 210,000 people at Glastonbury festival, with around 200,000 tickets sold.
How big is Glastonbury?
Glastonbury is between 900 and 1000 acres big – the size of around 500 football pitches! Now you know why the crowd needs blister plasters.
How long does it take to set up?
It takes over six weeks for teams to construct Glastonbury ahead of the gates opening. That includes the stages, toilets and camping areas. The catering crew arrive on the Tuesday of the week of the festival to set up.
Glastonbury 2023 Map— (glastonburyfestivals.co.uk)
What stages are there?
There are a total of 62 stages at Glastonbury festival. You can find the full line up and times of the stages here. Here’s a breakdown of where the main ones are.
The Pyramid Stage— (Getty Images)
Pyramid Stage
The Pyramid Stage is Glastonbury festival’s main stage. It is located towards the top centre of the festival. It is the biggest stage at Glastonbury and has an iconic pyramid shape, so it is hard to miss!
The Other Stage
The Other stage launched in 1997 and is the second biggest at the festival. It’s located right in the centre of the Glastonbury site, to the bottom left of the Pyramid.
West Holts
The West Holts stage is located to the mid-bottom right of the festival site.
The Park Stage
The Park stage is a bit further out than other stages. It is located at the bottom left of the festival site. You can find it by looking out for the rainbow pole on top of the hill. The Rabbit Hole is also located right by this stage.
Woodsies (formerly the John Peel stage) is right at the top left of the festival, beyond the Pyramid stage and Silver Hayes.
Silver Hayes
The stage is located to the left of the Pyramid stage, right near the BBC Introducing stage.
The Acoustic Stage
The Acoustic Stage can be found on the right hand side of the site, below the Pyramid Stage.
Arcadia— (Getty)
This elevated stage is known for its spider-like structure, and can be found just above the Park Stage.
The Levels
The Levels is located right next to Silver Hayes, to the left of the Pyramid stage.
BBC Music Introducing
The BBC Introducing stage is a small stage location to the left hand side of the Pyramid stage, near Silver Hayes.
Where does everyone go at night?
The best late night spots in Glastonbury are Shangri-La, The Common, Unfairground and Block9. These spots host DJ sets and music until the early hours of the morning. This year, part of Shangri-La is designed like a highstreet with shops, with one even selling jars of Glastonbury air and mud!
Full list of Glastonbury locations:
Pyramid Stage
The Other Stage
West Holts
The Park
Acoustic Stage
Field Of Avalon
Left Field
Silver Hayes
The Glade Area
The Common
The Green Fields
Theatre & Circus
Babylon Uprising
Bbc Music Introducing
Deluxe Diner / Rocket Lounge
Glasto Latino
Pilton Palais Cinema
San Remo
The Bandstand
The Atchin Tan / Stopping Place