People in Mansfield say they are "fed up" with politics and that Liz Truss' Government is not doing enough to support the most vulnerable amid more U-turns on her economic plans. The newly appointed Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, says that a planned income tax cut will not be going ahead and that a scheme to cap household energy bills will be cut back.
Mansfield was one of the early 'red wall' seats that switched from being an historic Labour stronghold to a Conservative one, when Ben Bradley became the area's first Tory MP in 2017. Mr Bradley was re-elected in 2019 with an increased vote share, but some people in Mansfield say they are no longer happy with the current Conservative Government.
Some suggested the former Prime Minister Boris Johnson would be doing a better job in the current circumstances. But many felt that no political parties offered the right solutions.
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Lisa Davenport, 43, who lives in Mansfield and is in receipt of Universal Credit and PIP, said she has cut back on how much she eats because of rising bills. Speaking about Liz Truss, Lisa said: "She wanted to take away from the poor and give to the rich and I think that's just disgusting and I hope she doesn't stay in much longer. Even Boris was actually better than this and I've always been Labour myself.

"I'm not getting enough support at the moment and it's really difficult because I'm actually cutting back on what I eat. My family always tell me off saying I should eat more but food is so expensive, and healthier stuff is dearer than the junk food so if they want people eating healthier they should look at that."
In his speech on Monday (October 17), Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said that the Government's plan to cap energy bills will only last until April, rather than the original two years. Speaking about the reason behind other U-turns, Mr Hunt said: "A central responsibility for any Government is to do what's necessary for economic stability. This is vital for businesses making long-term investment decisions, and for families concerned about their jobs, their mortgages, and the cost of living."
But in Mansfield, another one of those struggling was Stephen Cook, 46, who is now living on the streets. Following the death of his mum and the loss of the council house he lived in with her, Stephen says he has now been on a housing waiting list for 18 months.
He had until recently been living with his younger sister, but says that he no longer wanted to "put on her." Speaking about the current political situation, Stephen Cook said: "We didn't get to say anything about Liz Truss being Prime Minister and they are supposed to be the servants of the people, but it just feels like they're doing what they want without ever asking the people.
"I will say that Liz Truss is probably becoming a scapegoat because the problem is with the Conservative Party itself. I've always been Labour, but they're a bit mixed up at the moment as well.
"One minute we're trying to pull ourselves together and the next, we don't know where we're going. I'd still vote for them if there was an election tomorrow but they'd have to get their act together a bit more. They seem to live a very different life down in London and they don't know what it's like, but people here are totally disillusioned.
"I'm on the streets at the minute because I got to the position where I just couldn't be putting on my little sister anymore. She's a single mum and I'm her elder brother so I should be looking after my little sister, not the other way around."

Tracy Crescenzo, 60, who is now retired and lives in Mansfield with her husband Mario, 62, said: "I don't think that she's strong enough to carry on and she's turning her back on what she initially said. We didn't have a say on Liz Truss as Prime Minister and I did vote Conservative last time, but that was more to do with Boris Johnson himself."
Mario Crescenzo added: "I'm Italian so I vote in those elections rather than the UK, but I do think they should bring Boris back. I think he would have actually helped people more than Liz Truss is doing, because I'm not seeing much support for people who are on Universal Credit and other people who are struggling."
Will Marsh, 66, who lives in the Ladybrook area, said: "I did vote for Boris Johnson at the last election but I don't think I'll even bother voting next time. No matter who is in charge, they never seem to keep to their promises.
"I just think we should let them get on with it and I will just keep my head down and keep working hard. I'm fed up with politics in general really."
Sharon Mills, 53, who is from Nottingham but was visiting her granddaughters in Mansfield, said: "Politics is just totally non-existent at the moment because whether it is Conservatives, Labour or the Liberal Democrats, I don't think any of them could step up and sort out the mess that this country is in. People are struggling and in our family, I don't know where my son and granddaughters would be without help from me and my husband.
"We were lucky because we've always worked hard and so we had enough to help my son and daughter-in-law with little extras for their children like school uniforms and swimming lessons. But all this really makes me worry for the future of my grandchildren and I think a general election is imminent."
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