Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee shared a picture of a key holder with a still from his popular gangster film Gangs of Wasseypur printed on it and paid tribute to its original creator. A fan had shared an image of the key holder and asked “where’s the key”. The holder has Manoj’s face from a scene in the film where he angrily asks about the keys of his car.
Manoj shared the tweet and wrote, “Iske maulik rachnakar ko pranam, Prabhu aaplog kya kya soch lete hain? Dandwat. (I pay my respect to the original creator of this, you guys think of such things! Tributes.)”
इसके मौलिक रचनाकार को प्रणाम !! प्रभु आपलोग क्या क्या सच लेते हैं !!दण्डवत 🙏🙏😂😂
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) July 26, 2020
The image is from a scene when Manoj’s onscreen son, Viineet Kumar Singh aka Danish Khan is visiting and gets shot in a surprise attack. After putting Danish in his vehicle to take him to the hospital, an angry Sardar Khan (Manoj) returns to shout at his men asking where is the key. He also utters some expletives. Watch the hilariously shot scene here:
Manoj’s character in the film, Sardar, is a megalomaniac and hypersexual man who marries two women (Nagma Khatoon, played by Richa Chadha, and Durga, played by Reema Sen) and also regularly visits brothels. In the above scene, Sardar tells his son that he would not come back home because he fears his own wife Nagma.
Directed and co-written by Anurag Kashyap, Gangs of Wasseypur (originally made as a 5-hour long film and later released in two parts), proved to be a breakthrough film for many actors, including Viineet and Nawazudin Siddiqui who played Viineet’s brother in the film.
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