Veteran actor Satish Kaushik’s demise was shocking the entire entertainment industry as he passed away at the age of 66. The actor, who was seen in many TV shows and one of them was Sumit Sambhal Lega, in which Manasi Parekh played the role of his daughter-in-law and was seen heartbroken after hearing the demise news of the veteran actor.
Manasi shared a post on her Instagram where she was seen hugging the late actor. Manasi also shared a video where Satish was singing ‘Ae Mallik Terey Bandey Hum’ while holding a monkey in his hand.
Manasi expressed grief about losing such an amazing person and an actor. She said “Was an honor to work with @satishkaushik2178 in our show #SumitSambhalLega. So many stories to regale, a constant drive to keep working and always entertaining to be around. Satishji you will be missed so much. #RIP”.
Take a look at the post:
Since the news of late actor Satish's demise, many celebrities from the TV industry have shared their condolences and remembered the actor and those precious memory spent with him. Sunil Grover, Renuka Shahane, Rajiv Adatia, Gautam Rode, Jaya Bhattacharya, Sudha Charan and others shared their posts as they bid adieu to Satish Kaushik.
Actor Namit Das, who played the role of Sumit in the show Sumit Sambhal Lega, remembered the legendary Satish Kaushik. Mourning the actor's sudden demise, Namit wrote about the memories he had with the late actor and how working with him was a great opportunity for him. Satish Kaushik played the role of his dad in the show.
Take a look at the post:
Apart from Sumit Sambhal Lega, Satish Kaushik was seen in other TV shows like The Great Indian Family Drama (2015) and then as Bobby Chacha in May I Come In Madam (2017). Satish Kaushik made his last appearance at one of Bollywood’s Holi parties on March 7 and was seen having fun with the entire fraternity.